Chapter 37

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"Be careful, the passage is full of traps," you said as you ducked your head again for the 10th time. It was harder to move because of the cut on your back and the injuries you got when that explosion happened.

But that didn't stop you from going after Ghost and Soap. This whole ordeal was completely out of hand, you meet only to get separated again. Misunderstanding after another. Betrayal after another.

Perhaps the pain was your reminder that everything was actually happening. That this whole thing physically exists and physically affects you. Your decisions affect you, just like they always did.

"I think we passed by the blocked area. We should find an exit. Do you have any idea where they could be?" Layla stated before she asked. She too was in pain, but she didn't let it show much.

You shook your head. You were too focused on your interaction with Simon at that moment than on your surroundings. You weren't sure what was there on the other side.

It didn't take long for you to find a way out of the passage, and you quickly hurried over to the blocked corridor, hoping to find anything that would lead you to your friends.

You weren't disappointed, not with the long trail of blood on the floor. It could have only come from him... From Simon. You felt a hand squeeze your shoulder before Gaz passed by you, following the blood trail.

"Snap out of it. We need to get them," he firmly said and went ahead. You just nodded in response and followed him, picking up your pace. Layla was walking beside you, not saying anything. Even when she clearly had a lot to say, perhaps she didn't want to feel like she was a burden. She hit you as that kind of person.

The blood trail continued to a closed door, and you could hear some ruckus behind the door. You shared a look with Gaz and Layla, unsure whether you should just get in or knock.

"Knock. They are probably going to shoot if they don't know it's us," Gaz said, and you gestured for him to do it.

"They might shoot me either ways," Gaz nodded understandingly before he went and knocked.

"SOAP! GHOST! ARE YOU IN THERE?" He yelled from behind the door.

"GAZ!" Soap's muffled voice came from behind the door. Gaz gave you a firm nod before he opened the door while motioning for the two of you to get in quickly before anyone else sees you.

Layla went inside quickly, but you hesitated.

"This isn't the time. We have to do this" you said to yourself before forcing your legs to move inside the room.

You closed the door behind you, before slowly bringing your eyes to look at Soap. He had a few cuts here and there, the biggest one was on his right cheek, but other than that, he seemed to be fine.

Your eyes turned to Simon, who was sitting on the ground with his back leaning against the wall. His shirt was cut up, and the area where his arm got amputated was messily wrapped up in bandages. He was pressing on it to prevent further blood loss using his other hand. He looked pale, too pale from blood loss.

He didn't bother looking at you or acknowledging your presence, even though he did that to Gaz and Layla. But you couldn't complain, you were just thankful he was alive at that point.

"How much longer can you hang on? We need you to stay awake," Gaz asked as he crouched to Ghost's level, who just stared at him in return.

"Till I drop dead. We need to get out of here," he gruffed whilst holding his arm.

"We need to find the rooms that we were stored in before we woke up. The teleportation device is connected to the glass capsule," Layla pointed at the computer she was typing on a couple of minutes ago. The screen showed dozens and dozens of documents related to the research about the multiverse and parallel universe.

Your world was the 10th on the list, 8 of the worlds ended up dead upon interaction, while the 9th lasted for 3 months before it collapsed. Yours was still going according to the document, this world was the one that ended up collapsing right now.

"Look at this..." Layla opened another document.


Universe No.10 was a success.
The world is still going, and there are no signs of abnormality within its stars and planets.

However, the research subjects were sent to different universes than what was planned.

There is still a way to bring them here using the same method, but please exert extreme caution when bringing them back.

If subjects from other universes manage to slip in, it will be the end of us. Once the subject is here, make sure to destroy the connection to the second universe to prevent any complications.

Warning: Researchers of Crestfall, any activity that includes the researcher to go into a different universe is strictly forbidden. You will die alongside that universe.

There was a clock on the screen... A countdown

Warning! There has been a breach in the system. An abnormality has occurred in Selan... 36:13:36 until the end... Please discard any ongoing projects and head to Selan. Destroying the portal is the priority.


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