Final Chapter

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"You sure it's about your arm?" you teased back, and he leaned forward and smiled.

"You can come to check my arm for yourself," he moved his arm around and then looked at you again. You were still sitting in the chair he pulled earlier, and you looked at his arm, now genuinely curious about how it felt like for him.

You looked at him warily, silently asking if it was really okay to touch it, and he nodded his head in response. You leaned forward and reached out your hand, the metal felt cold and hard against your touch, and there was something like a heartbeat beating against your touch. You could see muscle-like movement through the wires and leaned closer in order to examine it more clearly.

What you failed to notice was that Simon was waiting for you to get close enough so that he could hold you with his other hand. Not wanting to use his artificial one since it was probably heavier and he still can't control its strength.

He broke the silence once his hand was around your lower back.
"Y'know, I still haven't gotten my payback yet,"

You looked at him confused, and finally noticed the arm around you. He pulled you onto his lap and you felt your face burn and your heart do a loop.

"I thought you already forgave me?" you asked nervously as his hand started running up and down your back, sending goosebumps all through your body.

"I'm talking about the video Soap showed you. You hid from me and then disappeared when I finally caught you," you felt dreadful that he still remembered. The smirk on his face only widened when he noticed that you finally realized what he was talking about.

"Shouldn't you be paying him back though? I'm just an innocent watcher, he was the one who pranked you," you tried to shift the blame to Soap as you gently patted his chest

"He wouldn't have shown you if you didn't ask," well... That was true.

"He didn't specify what kind of prank it was though," you tried to defend yourself, and he chuckled before he used his artificial arm to move your hair behind your ear and touch your face.

"I don't really care about that though. I care more about you showing me how sorry you are," he continued to play with your hair as he stared deeply into your soul. His other hand moved higher up your back until it was between your shoulder blades.

Your eyes moved from one of his eyes to the other, and then to his lips. He knew you were looking at them because he returned the looks.

"Tell me you didn't mean it (Y/N)," he muttered, his voice low and husky as his eyes were glued to your lips. His hand rubbing your back.

"Tell me you want me. Tell me you want me Squirrel. Tell me that you desire me as much as I desire you. Tell me that you love me as much as I love you. Tell me how you feel and what you want. Tell me the truth," you felt overwhelmed at the sudden confession, your heart was going a mile per second as you momentarily forgot how to breathe.

"...You know," you felt him pull you closer.

"I need you to say it. That you need me too," you placed your hands over his cheeks and pulled him in for a kiss. Not trusting your voice with your emotions.

Simon's hand was holding you firmly, but he didn't pull you closer, and when you pulled away to catch your breath, he called you out again.

"Tell me," you kissed him again, now more passionately than before.

"Tell me," you wrapped your hand around his neck and into his hair as you pulled your body closer to his, feeling the heat accumulate inside you.

"That's not enough. Tell me (Y/N)," you pulled away, panting and looking at his eyes, your foreheads were touching.

"I love you Simon, you know I do. You know I want you. You know I desire you. You don't know how many times I thought of you. You don't know how I thought of you. What you would to me. What I would do to you. You don't know how I hurt over you. You don't know how I smile over you. You don't know how much I love you. You don't understand. I don't think you can understand the effect you have on me. I... I owe you a lot. I owe my life. You gave it meaning, and now you own it. I am yours. Yes I'll come home with you. Yes I'll take care of you. Yes I'll stay here," it felt like a whole weight was lifted off your chest as you tried to catch your breath, your cheeks redder than a tomato as your heart was hammering against your ribcage.

"Good. That's my good girl, you are returning home with me,"


AN: finally this story is over. Not my best and I honestly thought about discontinuing it a lot. If you guys liked it, then that's good. If you guys didn't like, then same lol. I'll let u know 2 weeks prior if I decide to take it down for editing.

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