Chapter 19

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Sweat beads ran down your face and neck as you woke up to the strong smell of smoke, it was hot. Too hot. Agonized cries echoed through the corridor as you pushed your sweaty back off the floor and headed toward the door. It felt all too familiar...

The door opened without you having to touch it. And in the middle, sat your family around a well-lit table. It was the only lit spot, the rest of the room was surrounded by complete darkness, the smell of smoke was still present, however.

"Took you long enough, I thought you weren't going to join us at all. Bring a chair and come sit," One of the figures said, and he seemed disappointed by the fact you were even there.

"Why should I? You would have another chair for your other daughter if the situation was reversed, no?" you scoffed before you turned around to leave.

"Don't talk back you disrespectful bitch. We raised you, fed you, clothed you, and kept a roof over your head. You should be fucking grateful. You have no idea how hard life is for us because of you," the other figure stood up as they slammed their hands on the table.

"Yup... Another nightmare,"

"Wasn't it your decision to bring me? I didn't ask nor want to be here. Don't put the blame on me just because your pull-out game was weak," You finally snapped.

"You think I would choose you? You think anyone would choose you? Be so fucking for real now. Just say it, admit it. I know you regret having me, and I know I am nothing but a disappointment to you. Go on, Say it." you brought a chair from somewhere in the room and dragged it toward the table before sitting down between the three figures. Their heads were pointed at you as you leaned forward and narrowed your eyes.

"Go on. I don't have all fucking day," you rested your elbow on the table as you leaned your face against the palm of your hand. The smell of smoke was getting stronger.

"I wish you were never born," you smiled to yourself as the figure finally declared.

"Too bad. Cry about it now," you stood up and walked out of that room, slamming the door shut behind you.
"...-N)!, (Y/N)!!" a loud bang on the door was enough to jolt you awake. Emma's screams were coming from behind the door that was now sealed shut with huge debris. The entire room was covered in flames, and the smell of smoke was overwhelming.

"Why the fuck am I always on literal fire..."

You coughed as you tried to stand up. Leaving through the door was not an option now, and the flames were coming from the door on the other side. The source of the fire was most likely from there.

"GO, GET OUT! I'LL FIND ANOTHER WAY!" you screamed at the top of your lungs as you frantically gathered your stuff. Emma's cough could be heard from behind the door, and a loud thud was heard after that.

"EMMA!? EMMA GET UP! Shit, not again!" you tried to move the debris, but it was too hot and too heavy, it wouldn't budge.

"EMMA!" You screamed again, now more desperate than before.

"I GOT HER! FIND A WAY OUT (Y/N)!" You sighed in relief as Noah finally replied.

"Thank God... Now to find a way"

But there was no way, the windows were sealed by some kind of shutters, and the other door was covered in flames. There was no fire extinguisher in sight either, all you had was a small water bottle that was half empty too.

"Maybe I should kill myself... That sounds like a much less painful death than burning," you looked between your gun and the door on fire. There could be a way out from that side, but you will probably suffer fatal injuries, and possibly burn to death before you find it.

"... Maybe I shouldn't make too many promises. This is bullshit," you emptied the water bottle on yourself before covering yourself using the sleeping bag. You ran to the blazed door and broke through, the bag catching fire in the process.

You put your elbow over your nose as your eyes started to tear up from the smoke. It was very hard to see and even harder to breathe. You could feel your skin itching as you tried to walk through the room. There was no other door, and there were no windows either. The sprinkler wasn't doing much to contain the fire, in fact, it looked like it was sprinkling oil instead because the fire only roared in response.

You coughed more before crouching. The smoke was getting thicker and lower, making it even harder to see. In a last desperate attempt, you crawled ahead trying to find an opening, a vent, anything that could get you out. But there was nothing, just a hot wall.

"Well shit. Guess my luck finally ran out..."

You closed your eyes, forcing yourself to come to terms with the fact that this was it for you, that once again, you were going to disappoint and hurt the only people who cared about you.

Would they ever forgive you? Would he ever forgive you? He deserved better than someone who's always in a life-or-death situation. He deserved someone who's always going to be there, not someone who's going to disappear in the blink of an eye. Someone who can give love instead of always being the receiver. It was the truth, even if it hurts. All you ever did was take, and now...


You covered your face with your arm as the wall next to you exploded. A familiar figure stood outside as they panted heavily.

"SOAP!? WHAT? HOW?" You coughed as Soap ran to you and dragged you outside.

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