Chapter 36

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You felt your heart pounding against your chest as the three of you made your way back to where you got separated from Soap and Ghost. The only thing going through your mind was negative thoughts.

Terrified was an understatement. Your hands would not stop shaking, even when you balled them into fists, your palms only got clammy. Sweat beads formed on your forehead as you got closer and closer to the location, you could see the blood now. His blood.

But it's Simon Riley... Surely this wouldn't kill him, right? Be fucking for real (Y/N), blood loss can kill anyone. And Simon isn't a lizard, his parts won't just regrow. He won't just magically close his wounds because he wanted to.

He is a human. He has a limit just like everyone.

The entire way, you prayed your hardest that he didn't hit that limit. That he was, by some miracle, still alive and well. That it wasn't his arm that was holding your collar, even if that was just you being delusional.

Maybe this was all just a bad dream. Maybe you died when that light took over your senses. Maybe your brain had finally snapped and you were just living in your head, It would make sense, right? You could be crazy, and all of this was just a trick of the mind to keep you away from the real world.

A hand appeared in your sight as Gaz waved his hand in front of your face to grab your attention.

"You alright? You look pale." he seemed to be concerned.

"Yeah, I'm good. There was another way around this corridor through the rooms. Remember the passage, Layla?" you turned to Layla, mainly because you didn't want to look Gaz in the eye right now.

"Yeah, but I bet it's rigged with bombs now since it's not a secret anymore," she hesitated for a moment before responding.

"I know, but there is no other way so..." she let out a defeated sigh before nodding her head in agreement, and you looked at the door leading to the room you were in with Soap just a few hours ago.

How did that explosion happen anyways? You made sure to destroy the security panel. Not only did they not have access to the cameras, they didn't have access to the remote weapons as well. Was one of the soldiers still alive and detonated one of the bombs? Was it a frag? It could be one of the hidden tripwires.

"STOP!" both Gaz and Layla froze in their spots, fearing the worst.

"W-what? What's wrong?" Layla stuttered, still frozen in place. You looked at her before turning your head to look at Gaz.

"Don't you think it was weird how they always knew where we were? I mean Noah and Emma were always with us. Surely they didn't have enough time to just call them and tell them. Maybe they put trackers on us?" You only received confused looks in response.

"Why do you think that? They could have trackers on Emma and Noah, but we changed our clothes, remember? If there were any trackers, they were probably lost then," Layla explained.

"Unless said trackers are inside us," you quickly responded back

"Ew, what the fuck is that supposed to mean?" she scrunched up her nose as she pondered over it for a moment.

"If that was true, there should be a cut somewhere then. We have to get them out if they are there" Gaz looked over the two of you before letting out a tired sigh.

"Check between your shoulder blades, the back of your upper arms, the nape of your neck and behind your ears. If it isn't there..." he paused for a moment, looking around the room before continuing again.
"It probably doesn't exist, but we can still catch one of them motherfuckers and question them about it if it makes you feel more at ease," he nodded his head slightly at the end.



"Fucking hell..." Gaz cussed under his breath after he finally managed to find the tracking device, which was hidden between your shoulder blades.

"Is it there?" you asked when the two of them got really quiet.

"Yes... But I will have to make a deep cut to get it out, and I might miss it too since it's tiny as fuck," he touched the area where the tracker was supposedly in, and you felt it move against your flesh. It was a pretty weird and disgusting feeling.

"...Fuck it, just do it. I can't risk getting anyone hurt because of it, I don't want to put Ghost and Soap in more danger. They are injured enough," They both got quiet again, this time longer than before.

Gaz didn't say anything as he pulled out his knife and cleaned it with some rubbing alcohol. You felt the cold metal touch your back, it stung a little at first. Gaz was trying his best to not cut more than necessary, but it was still deep enough to start burning. You felt him push your back's skin upwards, moving the tracker up to where your cut was.

"Got it, bloody hell that's so fucking weird," he put his hand in front of you, showing you the device he had just pulled out. You only looked at it for a split second before gently pushing his hand away.

"Just throw it away," he did as he was told and placed a band-aid on the cut.

"Hoo, that felt so weird. Layla, your turn," you both turned to Layla, who just gulped.

"Any other way?" she nervously laughed.

"Nope, come on. It doesn't hurt much, you will be fine," you reassured, and she sighed in defeat before giving you her back and lifting up her shirt. You could see a little bump between her shoulder blades.

"Do you wanna do-"

"Nope, you are the expert. I'll leave it to you," you quickly shut down his offer. With how shaky your hands are, you were bound to make a mistake if you did it. So you ended up just turning away, waiting for him to finish pulling the tracker out, and he did it pretty fast. He was done by the time you managed to find a way to the other side.

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