Chapter 46

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You sat in the dining room facing Soap who was eating as if he didn't eat for months.

"There's something that has been on my mind for a while... Remember that last guy we fought in the lab?" he said with his mouth stuffed with food.

"Can you not spit on me while you talk? Just swallow first," you squinted your eyes and wiped your face before you nodded your head.

"Yeah, what about him?" you placed the tissue down and looked at him. He made sure to swallow this time before he spoke up.

"He's one of the commanders of Shadow company. He was involved with Shepherd, and was on our wanted list," he stated before he sipped from his water bottle and leaned back against the chair.

"...? What do you mean?" there was no way he could be that person, how did he get there?

"I'm certain it was him, and that brings me to my next point. Is there anyone else like you here? Someone who ended up with Shadow Company instead," he leaned forward, placing his hand under his chin as he stared at you.

"Even if that was true, the fact that the commander ended up in that world could only mean that the person who was like me was also there as well. And no one beside us made it back, I checked the log before I came back," you waved your spoon around as you explained.

"And I thought we were done with Shadow Company? Are there more commanders?" you asked.

Soap looked up and sighed before he shook his head.
"Nah, the one you killed was the last one on that wanted list," he confessed, but it seemed like that wasn't the whole truth. Maybe they were instructed not to tell you anything for now? You weren't sure.


Simon woke up the next day after the surgery, and the first thing he did was examine his new artificial arm. It looked both cool and weird to see it move like a normal hand. The doctor gave Simon a manual on everything about the arm and explained a bunch of stuff about it that you didn't bother to listen to.

You went inside the room once the doctor had left. The rest of the team had some training to do and said that they will visit a few hours after you. It was awkward to go by yourself, but it definitely wasn't any better going with Soap. He would 100% just throw you inside and lock the door.

Simon was sitting on his bed, still staring at his arm and trying to figure out how to properly move it. His head darted to the door once you stepped in, and you smiled sheepishly at him.

"Congratulations...? How are you doing with that thing?" you looked at his artificial arm and then back at him, and smiled sincerely once you locked eyes.

His eyes softened, and he smiled ever so slightly before he waved his artificial hand at you.
"Good. As far as good can go. It's better than nothing," he closed his fist and then opened it again. Stretching out the arm and then back to him.

You sat awkwardly on the chair next to his bed, unsure of what to say or do. You kept your eyes on the floor.

Simon stopped playing with his new arm and looked at you before he grabbed your chair with the artificial arm and pulled you closer to his bed. You felt your cheeks flush as his breath tingled your neck.

"I'm... Pretty sure the doctor said not to do any rough activities with that arm," you placed your hand over it and tried to pry it away from the chair, half fearing it would hurt him and half fearing he could hear your loud heartbeat.

"I wouldn't call that rough," he mused, his voice low as his face was mere inches away from yours.

"Yeah?" you tried to act tough, maintaining eye contact, but your eyes started to shake as soon as his face started to get closer to yours.

"Do you want my idea of rough?" he said suggestively, his breaths on your lips now and your noses touching.


"CONGRA- Oh shit, sorry. Didn't mean to interrupt!" you felt your face burn in embarrassment as Gaz busted into the room before he saw the position you were in and quickly left.

"Great idea Captain," you heard Gaz fuss outside the room, and Simon leaned back and cleared his throat before he spoke loud enough for them to hear.

"Come inside. You got the wrong idea," Price peeked through the room and gave Simon a dad smile before he entered with Gaz right after him. You couldn't face them with your face being dark red.

Price placed a gentle hand over your head as he spoke to Simon. Looking between the two of you.

"It's good to see you, Simon. Cheers to your new arm!" he fist-bumped it as he laughed before he ruffled your hair.

"I'm sure you will be back with us in no time with (Y/N) taking care of you, right?" he looked between the two of you expectantly, and you scratches the back of your head.

"I'm more than sure he doesn't need someone to take care of him," you thought to yourself as you looked at him, but he was already looking at you.

"Yeah," He responded, not taking his eyes off you. Price smiled and said more stuff, but you didn't hear him. All you could think about was the little *rough* exchange between the two of you.

"You will come home, won't you? If you really feel guilty about my arm. You are more than welcome to make me feel better," he teased, and you weren't sure about what kind of better he was talking about.

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