Chapter 7

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"There is a GPS in the car, we can use it to figure out where to go next. I'm pretty sure there is something usable in the trunk as well so let's check it out once the storm eases up," Ross explained as he sat across from you with his legs crossed.

"If there is GPS in it, doesn't that mean we are being tracked. They will probably come here as soon as the storm eases up, so we better get out of here. Without the car..." you put a hand on your temple as you rubbed it. This was a difficult situation to be in.

"How? You saw how it is outside. We won't last a day in that weather." Noah sighed as he glared at Ross, who just shrugged.

"I'm going to check the car then. Come on Ross, let's go," Layla declared as she stood up, grabbing Ross's arm and attempting to pull him up with her. He reluctantly stood up and went with her. Now it was just you, Emma and Noah.

"This is so... I don't know about you guys but sometimes I feel like I have gone crazy and all of this is just my mind playing tricks on me," Noah confessed as he laid down, letting his back hit the ground with a soft thud as he looked at the ceiling.

"Honestly, if I hadn't met you guys, I would have thought so too. But we aren't alone, so this gotta be real. Despite how bizzare it is," Emma admitted as she looked between you and Noah. You hung your head low, they were right. If by some miracle you manage to make it back to your original universe, how are you going to cope with everything you went through here? Who is going to believe you anyways?

"Let's... Not think about that now. We are tired and hungry. Let's wait until we are in a good space to think about everything properly, yeah?" You said as they both looked at you. Noah closed his eyes after that and let out a deep breath. He kept his eyes closed, so you assumed he was going to take a nap. Emma didn't say anything, she just sat there lost in thoughts as she picked at her nails.

You closed your eyes as well, letting yourself get lost in thoughts. What happened to Simon? He was there with you when you got teleported here. Did he forget about you? Or is he blaming himself for letting you check your phone? Did he tell the others about what happened? You felt your heartache at the thought of him forgetting you. At the thought of everyone forgetting you. This whole thing made it seem like your existence wasn't worth shit.

You felt a hand on your shoulder and you opened your eyes to look at the owner of the hand. Emma looked at you in concern, she pulled a tissue from her pocket and gave it to you.

"Are you alright?" she whispered as she patted your back. You took the tissue gratefully and wiped your tears as you nodded your head.

"Yeah. I was just thinking about everything." you breathed out. Emma opened her mouth to respond but she was cut off by Ross and Layla finally coming back, hands full of random items you assumed they got from the trunk.

"Took you guys long enough. How did it go?" Emma asked the pair as they sat the stuff they got down.

"There is a city 2 kilometers away from here. I think we can manage it by foot. We found some money in the glovebox and some other stuff in the trunk, so take what you see fit. According the weather cast in the car, the storm is going to last another 3 days," Ross summed up their little trip as he started going through the items he picked from the trunk.

It was a mix of clothes, guns and other things. No food though, but that was understandable. You grabbed a backpack and a jacket. Nothing in your outfit matched, you looked like a walking rainbow. But you didn't care, it's not like the others looked any better and this was all what you had at the moment.

"We can't stay here for three days. We will starve," you finally pointed it out, and Ross nodded in agreement.

"I know. Let's look around, maybe there is an underground sewer connected to the city. We can use it instead of walking on ground," you closed your eyes at the thought of traveling through the sewers. Not only would look like shit, you would also smell like it too.

"Ugh. Yeah. Okay, it's better than freezing to death that's for sure," you got up from your spot and nodded your head toward one of the doors.

"I'll check that area and let you know if I find anything," Ross nodded his head as you turned around and headed toward the door. It was the same room you searched earlier with Noah. You had to look really close to see the ground, that was how dusty it was. It was still daytime so you didn't need any flashlights, not that you had any to begin with.

The more you looked around, the more you realized how fucked up your situation is. You couldn't help the negative thoughts as you continued to search for anything that looked like a manhole.

"THERE IS ONE HERE!" you heard Layla's voice echo through the building as she yelled. And you let out a sigh of relief as you made your way to where she was. The rest of the team was already there when you finally reached her. All of them looking down at the now-open manhole.

Ross pointed the only flashlight the team had at the manhole to see if it was safe inside.

"It seems to be dry... Do you guys want to go now or later?" he asked as he looked at each one of you.

"We should probably get moving. We don't know when they might come for us, and we need to figure out what to do next as fast as possible." Emma said as she started going down the manhole. She took the flashlight from Ross as she looked around the sewer underground.

"Come on! It's safe," she looked up at the team as one by one, you descended to the sewer. With Ross being the last one as he closed the manhole behind him, and now the only source of light was the flashlight in Emma's hand.

"Stay on guard. We don't know what might show up, but please for the love of God don't shoot at rats and roaches. I'm looking at you ladies," Ross gave the three of you a side eye as he walked ahead. Emma scoffed at him before whispering under her breath.

"Sure... Let's hope you don't do that,"

Ross, in fact, did just that.

| Intended | Ghost x Reader जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें