Chapter 12

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You watched as the lady disappeared in the distance before you turned around to look for Ross and inform him of what happened.

Instead of finding Ross, however, you made eye contact with the two soldiers who were walking toward you at a quick pace, almost sprinting.

You looked around in panic before dashing to the nearest alleyway. You could hear them yell from behind you as you took a right turn, and then a quick left before they saw you.

Before you reached the end of the alleyway, a hand pulled you to the side, with the other one covering your mouth as the person dragged you away inside one of the buildings.

"Shh," Ross put a finger over his lips as he ducked under the window facing the alleyway you were just in. You slowly nodded your head as you tried to catch your breath. Once he was sure they were no longer around he turned to face you.

"So, did it work?" he asked.

"Yeah... I called my phone, and... Ghost picked it up from the other side. I told him our situation, and he said they are trying to find a way from their side and that I should call again soon to check with him," you explained as you looked out of the window to make sure it was clear to leave.

"That's good then. But we still need to do something about our situation here, we need to leave this city," he had his hands on the window as he looked down. You put a hand on his shoulder, and he turned to look at you before he fully stood up.

"You okay?... I know what Noah said might have affected you a little. But chin up, if it weren't for you, we might have already been dead. So thanks Ross," you patted his shoulder as you gave him a slight smile.

"It's not that," he let out a sigh before he continued.

"I don't think we can go back to our original universe. Let this be between us for now, I know you are smart and capable (Y/N). Truth is, our universe really did end. I... Went to the main lab when I was looking for a way out of there," you felt your heart drop at his statement, and you gulped.

"I'll try to keep it simple. All of us here had connections to other universes, so moments before our universe got destroyed, the people of this universe used that connection to take us away. Think about it... We have nothing here. We don't exist here. We would make great test subjects for God knows what. It's a lot of unbelievable sci-fi bullshit, but we are here right now. So it's the truth," you closed your eyes for a moment and knelt on the ground, trying to wrap your mind around the information he just dumped on you.

"Why tell only me? Isn't it better to tell the others?" you slowly looked up at him and asked.

"Would you have agreed to leave the lab if I did? Maybe you would, but I have known Noah and Layla for a while now. They are not like us. When fear settles in, they would rather give up than fight," he explained as he opened the door to the alleyway and peeked a little. He turned to look at you one last time.

"They are important to me. I would never let them stay in a place like that. I'm willing to lay my life down for them," he declared before stepping out. You sighed before following after him.

"Okay, let's find a map first yeah? So we know where we are going," you were walking next to him as you spoke. His head was going left and right as his eyes watched every single thing.

"Aye, find one then," you blankly stared at him before looking ahead.

"... Where?"

"I dunno, it's your idea fam," he shrugged, and you clicked your tongue in annoyance before walking past him and into the main street. You stopped a random person who didn't look too busy.

"Excuse me! Do you know where I can find a map of the city?" the guy looked at you as if you grew another head.

"Are you fucking with me? I'm not in a good mood," he hissed as he furrowed his eyebrows, and you looked at him confused.

"No...? I really need a map so," you awkwardly scratched the back of your neck.

"On your phone?? Use your phone?? How dumb you kiddos can get?" you felt yourself twitch, and the urge to punch the guy in the face took over your senses, but you bit the inside of your mouth to prevent yourself from making a scene.

"I know that old man, but it seems like you old people can't see without glasses because I clearly don't have my phone," you kept smiling as you responded, and the guy cussed under his breath before bumping his shoulder into yours and walking away.

"Old fucker," you cursed under your breath before looking to where Ross was standing and shrugging your shoulder while shaking your head in disappointment.

You tried again with a boy who seemed to be coming back from school. He pointed you to a store in the middle of the city that sells antiques and maps and stuff like that. He showed you the location on his phone map, and you drew a little one on the palm of your hand based on it before thanking the boy.

You went back with Ross to the abandoned shop to tell the rest of the team about the news, and to decide your next move.

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