Chapter 25

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"Y'all better not leave me there to die. I'll literally become a ghost and haunt your asses," Layla jokingly threatened as she put the tracking device Ross had given her under the collar of her shirt. Where did he get it from? You had no idea.

"You can still back out," Ross suggested as he looked at her sincerely, but she shook her head no.

"Alright, we will keep tabs on you so don't worry. As soon as you are taken back, we will be right behind you. Make sure to stay as civil as possible, and tell them half-truths and half-lies. Make them believe you enough to not harm you," Soap declared as he looked at her, and she nodded her head understandingly.

"Got it." she finished preparing herself and took a deep breath.

"Good, now off we go," Soap walked her out with Ross, taking her to the area where she was going to get *caught*.

You watched as the three of them left, and a weird feeling made its way to your chest. Something felt amiss, but you couldn't quite put your finger on it. Your gut was twitching with anxiety as you wiped your sweaty hands on your pants. Why were you sweaty anyways? It was cold. You swallowed the lump that formed in your throat before turning around to look at Simon.

He was already looking at you, and you gave him a shy smile in return before looking at Noah and Emma. Noah was talking with Gaz, and Emma was just standing there. You weren't sure whether or not she was listening though, because she seemed to be zoned out.

"Did you two fight?" Simon stood beside you, his voice is just loud enough for you to hear and you scratched the back of your neck.

"Kind of. I'm not sure, to be honest," was she still mad at you? Or did she feel bad about snapping at you?

"Ask her," Simon suggested... Or ordered. You weren't sure since his tone was in-between.

"What if I make it worse," you frowned as you looked back at him.

"Aren't you already making it worse with your overthinking?" he blankly stared at you, and you crossed your arms before turning away.

"Damn, couldn't you be nicer about it tsk tsk. But that's Ghost for you I guess. Straight to the point,"

"You know what? You are right. I'll try talking to her, and see if I can fix it." you gave in, looking at Emma again, only to find her making her way to you already. Simon stepped away, giving you some space.

"I'm sorry"
"I'm sorry"

The two of you said in unison before looking away and clearing your throats.

"No, I am Sorry. I should have thought about it from your perspective instead of snapping at you like a spoiled child" she took a quick breath in before continuing.

"I am the selfish one, I shouldn't have blamed you and Ross when all you guys did was risk your lives to protect us. I just want you to know that I'm not some dead weight, I don't want you keeping things for my sake. I'm your friend (Y/N) and not your child. I want you to rely on me as much as I rely on you." she placed both of her hands on your shoulders and gently squeezed them as she looked you straight in the eye.

"It's not that I don't rely on you. Again, I just didn't know when was the right time because I was fighting for my life the entire time. I don't think of you as dead weight. Hell, you are the first friend I made here. I trust you the most out of everyone else, and I'm sorry for making you feel like that but it really wasn't my intention," now... Do you know these cringe scenes where the two friends are hugging and weeping like idiots?

This was one of them, and the worst part was that everybody's attention was on you. You could have sworn Gaz was trying to muffle his laugh with his hand as he turned away while Noah just stared at the two of you, completely oblivious to what just happened.

"Did she say yes?" he asked as his face went from confusion to a scowl while crossing his arms.

"You might as well just make your move and confess instead of acting like a jellyfish," you teased him as you hugged Emma tighter, and she let out a little laugh.

"Are you gonna stop flirting if I do?" he scoffed.

"Is it really the flirting that's bothering you? Or the fact that I can hug her and you can't?" you raised an eyebrow as he turned away, his ears were red.

"aww he's flustered" you snickered to yourself before letting go of Emma and giving her a smile.

Soap and Ross came back a few hours after their initial leave, and Layla wasn't with them. Which could only mean that she succeeded in faking her capture.

Ross was not happy about it in the least, he seemed to be even tenser than he usually was, checking the tracking device every couple of seconds to make sure Layla was fine.

"He's been like this since she got caught, he might as well just glue the screen to his face at this rate," Soap sighed before rubbing his temple.

"It will probably take a day or two before they transfer her back to the facility," you shrugged before walking up to Ross and checking the screen. There were slight movements here and there, but that was about it. It seemed like she was locked up for now.

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