Chapter 40

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Your heart was practically in your pants now as you froze in fear. You didn't know who was in front of you, and you didn't know who was behind you. Was this another trap? Did you fuck up aga-

"MOVE! GET UP WE NEED TO GO!" Soap screeched in your ear as he forced you on your feet and dragged you away as the figure attacked again.

"SOAP. WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?? WHO IS THAT?" you screamed back as you two ran down the dimly lit corridor.

"I- huff... HELL IF I KNOW! Jesus Christ!" he ducked as the rod flew over his head, barely missing him. You grabbed his arm and kept him on his foot as the figure rushed to where you were. You tried to take a glimpse at his face but it was impossible.

"Where are the others!? I have been waiting for ages," You took a right while pulling Soap with you.

"......" he didn't say anything, and you couldn't see his facial expressions either.

"SOAP!" You yelled again, anxiousness settling in your body.

"I'm not sure. We had to split up after that guy appeared," he finally responded once you made it inside one of the rooms safely. Sweat ran down his face as he knelt in an attempt to catch his breath.


"No, they aren't traitors. Ross was barely able to stand, so I told Layla to take him and leave while I buy some time. I didn't think you would come," He let out a long sigh and stood straight again, fixing his mohawk.

"They never reached the capsule's room. I waited for 30 minutes and no one showed up, and then the electricity went out. Why didn't you kill that person?? You have a gun!" You gestured at the gun placed on his hip, but he just sighed in response.

"It's empty, and that person has a tazer. One wrong move and I would have been in place of that body," he shuddered at the mention of the dead body.

"... Who was it?"

"I don't know, one of the enemies I guess," you let out a breath you didn't know you were holding from relief. Good thing it wasn't anyone you knew.

"Anyways. We need to go back too," Soap clasped his hand on your shoulder, and you laughed nervously.

"About that... We need electricity to make it work," you cleared your throat as you looked at Soap, who smacked his forehead in annoyance.

"For fuck's sake. And how do we do that??" you smiled nervously in return while shrugging your shoulder. You had no idea where the electricity room was, and no idea if the power was out from the building itself or if it was because of that incident.

"Here is a plan. I stall that motherfucker and you find that room. Good? Good," he didn't even wait for a response before he went outside the room and stood in the middle of the corridor.

"Bruh, WA-"

"Aye, Failed grim reaper. Let's play a little!" he mocked, and you heard a grunt in response. That guy was facing Soap, but he didn't say anything.

You barely saw him charging at Soap because of the dark. Soap managed to prevent him from knocking him down, but that was all he could do. He couldn't move the guy no matter how hard he tried, so he brought his elbow down between the shoulder blades of the guy, knocking him to the ground.

The guy coughed, but he didn't stay down for long, quickly pulling the tazer and attempting to taze Soap into unconsciousness, but you quickly kicked the tazer out of his hand before grabbing it yourself and electrifying the living shit out of him.

You could smell something burning as you slowly got up from his back and stood beside his unconscious body while Soap stood there awkwardly.

"Okay, that works too. God damn, you really fried him," he mused before pulling you to his side. The guy who attacked wasn't recognizable, you didn't know who he was even after removing the hood.

"This guy... I have seen him before somewhere," Soap looked disturbed, he was sure that this whole parallel universe thing was your speciality or something. That no normal person in their world would be capable of teleporting like you.

"Huh?" you looked at Soap confused, but he just shook his head in return.

"Let's go. We wasted too much time," he kept his eyes on the guy even after he moved forward, the same disturbed look never left his face even after you managed to find the electricity room.

"Someone cut off the electricity on purpose. It wasn't an incident. They knew we were planning to leave. Stay alert, we don't know where they could be hiding," you nodded your head in agreement. The electricity button for the building was purposely pulled down, whoever did it knew what they were doing. The timing was right too.

"That's done. Let's go back. You don't want to keep your friends waiting for too long," it was rare to see Soap nervous like this. Something was clearly bothering him, but he was right and you didn't want to waste more time. You could just ask him when you are both safely back in his universe.

"Yeah. You are right. Let's just hope that they already went back because I honestly have no idea what else I could do," You expressed as you followed him.

Soap was weirdly out of character, he was shaken somehow. And even though you yourself were scared, you didn't understand how could he of all people be scared. You always viewed him as someone who was brave and courageous and that nothing scared him besides bugs.

Man, you were wrong.

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