Chapter 4

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"Suppose we get out. What's after? Do you know the situation outside?" you whispered to Noah as he walked ahead to an area you haven't seen before.

"Yeah, it's normal outside. I saw everything. They have cameras outside, and they come and go as they please. All of this is a lie to keep us here. We are just test subjects who managed to pass the first of the many exams that are to come. I don't know why they are doing this, but I'm not playing along with this game of theirs," he explained as he walked inside an empty room and closed the door behind Emma after she entered.

"And then what? Where are we going after? They probably know about our families and friends... So many things don't add up, I don't understand," she shook her head as she looked at Noah, who seemed to be... In emotional pain.

"Someone tried escaping before... He went back to his family, but they didn't remember him. It was like he never existed at all. Everything related to him was no longer there..." you gulped, thinking about what Noah had just said. Your family doesn't remember you? But then your sister...?

"Hold on... What do you mean? If that's the case, then we aren't in our universe, are we? You can't just remove someone's existence like that... This has to be a parallel where none of us existed here before now," Emma voiced out her thoughts, and she made sense. But something was missing...

You took a deep breath before kneeling down, wrecking your brain thinking about your situation.
"If this is a parallel. What happened to us in our own universe? Did we die? How did they get, not one, not two, but over 900 people transferred like that? And that's without those who didn't survive in the worlds they were teleported to," you scratched the back of your head, this was getting more and more complicated.

"Honestly? You are asking the wrong people here. I don't know shit about all these things, I failed maths and physics multiple times you know," Emma let out an aggressive sigh.

"I don't know either to be... Wait, WAIT SHIT," You yelled as you started to remember something.

"Before you guys got teleported, did you come across some video talking about world-end and shifting theory?" you looked expectantly at the two of them.

"Oh yeah... I think I did, but I didn't watch it because it didn't make much sense to me," Noah replied, and Emma laughed.

"Same," she snorted.

"It was by some guy I never heard of before, but the video went way too viral. Isn't it weird? That we all saw the same video before we shifted?" you asked.

"I'm pretty sure there are so many videos we all watched before. I don't think it means anything," Emma shook her head as she spoke.

"Yeah, I guess you are right. Anyways, let's keep going," You responded, and Noah nodded his head before he took off one of the metal plates that made up the walls. It lead to a hidden passage inside the wall. He shared a look with the two of you before he went inside, you looked at Emma, who looked at you for a moment and nodded her head before following Noah. You followed suit.

You could hear people going on about their day through the plates, and then peeping noises and surgical tools which later changed to serious people talking about security and whatnot.

Noah motioned for you the two of you to get closer as he crouched.
"This is it... Stay quiet," he whispered before he slowly pushed the plate so that you could peek through the room. It was a security room, and there were dozens of little screens showing the entire laboratory, inside and outside, with two people watching over them.

They seemed to be bored out of their minds. One was leaning back against his chair, snoring out loud. While the other was playing candy crush on his phone, completely ignoring the screens. The screens showed a few main doors that were sealed by shutters and the road leading outside the area. The area outside was normal, there were trucks going in and out of the building.

It seemed like you were underground because there were cameras pointed at the only elevator leading up. The staircase was sealed shut, so there was only one camera pointing at the door leading to the staircase on the lowest floor.

And then there were cameras in the main hall, and cameras in areas similar to the one you woke up in. Through the screen, you could see some of these people who got you here, taking a survivor for what you assumed was a check-up.
But it wasn't. It wasn't a check-up. As soon as they entered the room, the survivor was knocked out using a weird pinkish smoke before they dragged her to a chair that had straps and some weird machines around it. They strapped her to the chair, and you looked at Noah who was staring at the screen intensely. Emma looked horrified as she watched the scene unfold.

"What's going to happen to her?" you whispered to Noah, trying to be as quiet as possible. Noah looked at you for a moment before he nodded his head at the screen. Basically telling you to watch for yourself instead of asking him.

You looked at him hard and long before you turned your head back at the screen. It took her some time to wake up, but when she did... You wished she didn't. Noah wasn't joking when he said that, to these people, you were just an experiment. Emma had a hand to her mouth as she tried to muffle her shocked reaction, and you felt your stomach twist and burn at the scene.

The girl was... Tortured. And it wasn't the same way you were tortured before. It was ten times worse... They did everything imaginable to scar her for life. But she didn't say a single word about the revolution, you almost believed that she really didn't know about them. But it seemed like Noah knew her because he was trying so hard not to cry.

He looked at you with his glazed green eyes before he opened his mouth to speak.
"Do you believe me now?"

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