Chapter 26

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You laid on your back, unable to sleep as you continued to stare at the ceiling. All you could think about was Layla, you were worried that it was the wrong thing to do. What if you don't make it in time? What if they decide to take revenge for the three idiots that died? What if-

Your train of thought was cut short by a little poke to your side, and you turned your head to look at Emma, who turned her head away from you and stared at the ceiling.

"You need to sleep," she mumbled as she looked at you again.

"That sounds like a good idea, for you and I both," you sighed, slightly scratching your cheek.

"Yeah..." she put an arm over her eyes as she tried to sleep, only to remove it 3 minutes later. You chuckled at her attempt before sitting up.

"I'm going to take switch and take watch. Try meditating, maybe it will help," you patted her shoulder before pushing yourself against the ground and standing up.

"Let's hope it does," she whispered as she let out a small giggle, and you smiled at her before leaving the room and heading to where Ross was.

"You should blink more, your eyes are red," you put your hand on his shoulder as you sat down next to him.

"Can't help it. I'm worried," he rolled his eyes and blinked furiously before going back to the screen.

"Let's switch, go rest. You won't be helping anybody if you end up passing out in the middle of a fight."

"Think I can sleep?" he asked.

"I think your eyes could catch a break," you took the screen from his hands and put it in your lap before ushering him away.

He reluctantly went to where Noah was resting and laid next to him. Closing his bloodshot eyes and letting out a sigh.

You looked at the screen, the movement was still subtle and there was no indication of any danger whatsoever. So you guessed that there would be no problems today, you just had to be extra careful just in case.

Seconds turned into minutes, and minutes turned into hours, and you found yourself getting drowsy, keeping your eyes open by force as you felt too bad to wake Ross again when he barely got any sleep himself. You rubbed your eyes as you tried to push away the heat that was forming due to fatigue.

You felt a cold thing make contact with your left cheek, and you darted your head to look at Ghost, who was kneeling next to you. A cold water bottle in his hand.

"Let's switch. Go rest," you looked at him for a moment before slowly handing him the screen and taking the water bottle in exchange.

"Thank you," you mumbled as you leaned back against the wall, putting the water bottle on your eyes and enjoying the cold sensation. Ghost leaned against the wall next to you, his side touching yours as he took watch.

You didn't bother moving away, letting your head rest on his arm instead. He didn't move or say anything in return, and even if he did, you probably didn't hear him since you were already drifting off.

Day one passed without much action happening. Layla was still being kept hostage in the same building she was in the day before. Ross went with Gaz and Noah to check on her while the rest of you kept general watch in the area.

"Is it just me, or did they stop searching for us after your friends got here?" Emma mumbled loud enough for you to hear, and you looked at her puzzled before counting to the day Soap first showed up.

"Do you think they know about them?" you questioned.

"Wouldn't that make sense? What if they aren't real? Your friends I mean..." you looked at her horrified.

"Nah. No way, I would know if they weren't real," you quickly shut her idea down, but it planted a seed of doubt in your heart, and you looked at Ghost and Soap, who were chatting away. They were themselves as far as you could tell. Soap is annoying and Ghost just putting up with it.

"If you say so... I trust your judgment," Emma shrugged before looking around.

There were soldiers scattered here and there, but they all seemed to be preoccupied with something else, and you wondered what could be more important than hunting your asses. Whatever it was, it must be one hell of an event for them to ignore you like that.

"HEY, WATCH IT DUDE!" One of the soldiers exclaimed as he bumped shoulders with Soap, who just laughed and raised his arms up.

"My bad man," he shouted back, and the guy scoffed before cursing him under his breath and quickly walking away.

You looked at Soap, confused.
"Did you bump into him purposely?" you questioned, and he smiled mischievously.

"Well, we gotta know what they are on," he waved a little radio in his hand as he looked at you.

"Nice critical thinking skills Johnny, didn't know you had it in you," you snickered as you patted his back.

"Excuse me?" he jokingly put a hand on his chest in an offended manner, and you laughed at him.

"You are excused," you chuckled before grabbing the radio from his hand.

"Now let's see what they are so busy with. Let's hope it's something in our favor," you turned on the little device when the guy was far enough to eavesdrop on him.

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