Chapter 43

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"AHHHHHHHHHHH," You woke up in a panic, rolling out of the bed with your hair sticking out in every direction as you looked wide-eyed at Soap who was dying on the floor, your heart was beating in your ears as you stared at him in shock.

"What the fuck??????? WHAT... THE... FUCK?" Your brain finally started making sense of everything as your heart started to calm down. Soap was still laughing hysterically on the floor, wheezing as he clutched his stomach.

"What the actual fuck is wrong with you???? Did you just yell in my fucking ear?" The only response you got was the laughs, and you took a deep breath in before you stood and stormed to where he was.

"JOHN MACRAVISH. YOU BETTER HOPE YOUR GRANDMA'S PRAYERS ARE STILL WORKING YOU BASTARD!" you jumped as roughly as you could with your elbow into his stomach, knocking the air out of him as he gasped from the impact.

"FUUU... UGH! OW," He finally stopped laughing, and you glared at him as he rolled over his stomach and got up while holding it.

"Do you know how many times I knocked? Not my problem you're deaf," you looked at him in disbelief before you opened your mouth to complain, but he quickly cut you off.

"We can bicker later. Go get ready, we are going to see Ghost before the surgery," he grunted the words out as he tried to stand tall, only to slouch back from the pain.

"He's awake?" you felt your heart skip a beat, but whether it was from fear or love, you didn't know.

"Yeah, and he was so adamant on seeing you so here I am. FIGHTING FOR MY LIFE!" You scoffed at him as he complained before you picked him out to change into something more appropriate.


It was cool outside, not too hot and not too cold. Perfect to beat a certain person.

The hospital was a 30-minute walk away from the base since it was exclusively for military personnel, and you spent the entire way overthinking every single possible scenario whilst also annoying Soap with you.

"...Did he seem mad?" you asked for what seemed to be the hundredth time.

"How many times are you going to ask??" Soap groaned in annoyance before you kicked his leg. He stumbled forward and gave you a death glare, but you just shrugged in response.

"I need to make sure I'm ready if he's going to try and shoot me again," you muttered to yourself, but he caught it

"Jesus Christ. He won't," he stated matter-of-factly.

"How do you know?" you quickly shot him down.

"How do you know?" he retaliated as he stopped moving, now fully facing you.

"Because he tried to before, and he almost got me if it wasn't for you," you also stopped moving, keeping a distance between the two of you as you crossed your arms over your chest.

"Are you scared of him Squirrel?" he smirked mockingly, and you placed an offended hand over your chest.

"No?? I'm worried. That's different,"

"...No, it's not. And I'm still here. Nothing will happen to you, but you really need to talk so stop acting like an anxious idiot and man up," he pointed out before he grabbed your arm and dragged you toward the hospital.

"Man up eh?" you muttered under your breath as you allowed him to drag you away.

"We are here."


The hospital was fairly quiet, especially since it was still very early in the morning. Nurses and doctors were going back and forth in the corridors, mumbling between themselves quietly to not bother the patients that were still resting.

The whole building smelled of medicine, chloride and other stuff that made your head feel light. The anxiousness was already enough to deal with, and now with the smell, you felt like you were going to pass out.

Simon's room was on the second floor at the very end of the corridor to the left. You started slowing down, which made Soap reach the room before you.

As he placed his hand on the handle, he turned to look at you, puzzled by the sudden distance between the two of you. He shook his head in a questioning manner, and you looked at him nervously grabbing a fistful of your shirt.

"You go first, I need to prepare myself,"

"Are you serious??" He rolled his eyes, and you smiled at him sheepishly before he let out a sigh and entered the room. You stood near the door to hear whatever he has to say.

"Ghost! You look... Like shit. I'm not gonna lie," you mentally face-palmed at Soap.

"You can't speak with that haircut," you accidentally snorted before you slammed a hand over your mouth.

"Oh shit, hope he didn't hear that,"

"Where's (Y/N)? She needs to be here to sign that bloody paper," Simon said roughly, and you heard his bed creak, which probably meant that he was either sitting down or trying to stand up.

"I should cook up some lie and go inside,"

"She's shitting her pants outside your room as we speak," Soap said loud enough for everyone on the floor to hear.

"Why, fuck you too. You couldn't just say. Oh, she went to the bathroom or something," you peeked your head through the door, giving Soap a middle finger as you entered the room.

"It did get you in," he shrugged, and you shook your head at him before looking at Ghost, who was already looking at you. You quickly looked away as soon as you made eye contact.

"How are you doing?" you quietly asked.

"I'll live,"

"No shit, Sherlock."

"Imma leave you two to catch up," you turned to look at Soap horrified. You didn't plan what to say to Ghost, relying on Soap to carry the conversation. He left the room while snickering to himself as your eyes followed him out of the room.

As soon as he closed the door, Simon stood up, and you started praying inside your head.

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