Short Lived Peace-Advancing Relationships

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A/N: Art is not mine, this is drawn by my sister introducing Harumi Kanai and Ami Mizuno a relationship that escalates. Warning: some smut below, read with caution.

As Michiko was on a mission with Rubeus, Akane was watching Harumi and Ami in Michiko's mirror. She was hoping that Michiko really did take care of Sailor Orochi like she claimed. The last thing she needed was a stronger scout than herself joining her ex's team and possibly falling in love with her ex. She watched as Ami was pushed down by Harumi as they kissed deeply. Ami stopped her and sat up and was a bit uneasy.

"Harumi, doesn't it feel like we are being watched? I mean earlier it seemed fine, but then as you pushed me down it felt like someone was watching us and getting jealous. You know the way that Akane used to get when other guys flirted with you."

Harumi walked by the window and sighed as the words from Ami hit her pretty hard. She shook her head as she kept her cool.

"I honestly do not remember anything about my ex, and completely forgot her name until you mentioned it just now. All my cousin told me was that they are doing this for my own good and that is all that I remember. Then I met you, and things seemed like we were going to become more than best friends. I guess I am wrong, your heart is for someone else isn't it?"

Ami took a deep breath as she sat down.

"Yes, but they don't feel the same way about me that I do about them. Besides, to me it seems like we are slowly becoming more than best friends. Well to me anyway, that is how it seems since we moved in together anyway. It has only been a few months that we moved in together."

Harumi looked at her from where she was standing, and then turned back around looking out the window.

"That attack a few weeks ago, was intentionally carried out to take us down by a clone that looked exactly like my cousin's wife. They did that to make us think Haruka turned against us, yet I couldn't make out the color of their hair or if it were possible that two scouts that looked exactly like my cousin and her wife were actually the only real ones, and the others were just clones of you all. What if this new enemy knows all of your weaknesses and is using them against you all to break up the original guardians to weaken you? Did you notice anything completely off, with the way they attacked us targeting mainly, you, Usagi, Minako, and ChibiUsa. They seemed disappointed I took the hit for you, and were all blown away by Saturn and Pluto."

Ami looked up at Harumi.

"I was knocked out before I could even see the clone's fighting style, all we both know is they could've just been clones of all of us? You aren't thinking that clone was actually Akane do you? If that is possible, shouldn't we tell Haruka and Michiru? That makes sense but how do you explain the Dark Sailor Neptune, using a Tsunami and Wind Blast at the same time? You and your cousin's power is water not wind?"

Harumi looked up also feeling a presence and turned to Ami.

"I have a feeling that we are being watched through a magical mirror like mine and Michiru's, yet I have no knowledge of anyone else that is related to us, unless that is something they have been keeping from me to prevent me from worrying. Would my cousin and her wife know is the question, and will they tell me if I ask?"

Ami was in deep though before she responded.

"You would probably have to show them proof of that dark scout that looked exactly like your cousin and then maybe they would give us some type of insight. We have to remember one thing Rumi; those scouts were surrounded by some dark energy to prevent us from seeing exactly what they looked like. They were cloaked by that energy to make us think we all were consumed by evil. They were also stronger than all of us including your cousin and Haruka."

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