The Lunar Festival

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A/N: Mentions of Adult themes, sexual mentions. Art and co-written by RadiantRaku

It was the day of the Lunar festival , Miyako and Maiko were cleaning their house to start fresh and new for the new year for a fresh start . Maiko was refreshing the rooms , decorating the walls, and getting every crevice and corner in the rooms. Miyako was cleaning the outside and breathing in the beautiful spring air . she was mopping the deck , sound of a horn was heard , she looked up , Haruka and Michiru parked and got out of the car and walked up the walkway.

"Happy Lunar New year cous. "

Michiru smiled as she asked.

"How's the cleaning going ?"

Miyako waved and spoke.

"It has been going slowly since we just finished moving in. "

Haruka looked at her.

"Ahh I see well we finished would you like some extra help? "

Maiko came outside.

"Happy Lunar, New Year Haruka, and Michiru-San. "

Miyako chuckled.

"Yes, that will be great since we want to finish before the festival."

Haruka and Michiru entered in and looked around with their eyes.

"Oh, wow this is beautiful. "

Maiko handed them some lemonade.

"It is still a work in progress of fixing up but it should be done sometime this week if we aren't too tired from training. "

Haruka sipped her lemonade smirking.

"Oh, trust me your training is going to be harder , because of what happened with Harumi -Chan and her scouts the other night. "

Maiko scoffed.

"Anything you throw at us we will succeed, I can assure you of that. "

Haruka placed her lemonade down ,and Miyako sighed shaking her head.

"Why do you always say something with a smart-ass remark Maiko-Chan?"

She finished her lemonade turning to Michiru.

"Michiru-San please come with me and help me with this part , so these two can chat."

Michiru nodded and chuckled.

"Don't be too mean Ruka." She finished her lemonade and followed Miyako.


Haruka looked at them.
"Oh don't worry I won't. "

After Miyako and Michiru went to go finish the other side , Haruka turned back to Maiko.

"Miss Maiko-Chan did you not learn the last time when we first met with your snarky attitude ?" She had her arms crossed .

Maiko looked at her.

"Exactly what does that mean ?" Haruka still had her arms crossed scoffing.

"Maybe this will remind you. " She uncrossed her arms and pinned her to the wall smirking.

"You, young girls better watch your tongue especially around me. "

Maiko blushed and looked up at her.

"I-I. " Haruka chuckled with a smirk.

"Don't try to top me if you are too afraid to even say a word when you face me. "

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