Needs For Concern

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A/N: Art and co-written w @EntityCherryMoon.

Miyako went back to normal and walked to Haruka and she looked at her cousin.
"Y-Yes, you needed to see me?"

Haruka glared and had her arms crossed.

You and that temper of yours, almost got you killed again! How many times have I told you not to let anger get the best of you !? Your leader/princess is now hurt because you weren't paying attention! The one who needs more training is you!! and looks like I'll be training you myself!"

Miyako looked down and clenched her fist, she had so much anger and doubt within her mind and then looked up at her.

"I-I'm sorry cous, maybe me getting my powers back was not a good idea. Maybe I should've just stayed a civilian. "

Haruka looked at her and sighed
"Walk with me, and stop doubting yourself. You got your powers back because it was the time for you, and you are needed." They both walked off.

Michiru, Setsuna, and the others went back home.

~On the Walk~

Miyako was walking besides her cousin. Haruka sighed then spoke
"You really need to stop letting Akane get the best of you and your ex, they aren't worth those you love or your life ,I taught you this so many times before you even became a guardian. You are not as weak as she thinks you are, and it is time you use what I taught you to show her how wrong she is about what you are capable as."

Miyako sighed and looked down.
"I'm Sorry Cous I guess seeing Michiko again just bothered me. Remembering, damn well how much I loved her, and she turned on me and everyone else, she even tried to kill me! " She sat down on the flat rock surface and buried her face in her hands .

Haruka sat down beside her.
"I get It trust me. Me and Michiru aren't too proud of what we did in our past either, we turned on our princess to try to defeat Galaxia on our own but in the end we lost our lives because of it, we lost everyone because of it. Just know I get it, it's not easy. You need to remember you are strong , you are independent, and you have a duty to protect, and to make sure those you love to be safe. "

Miyako looked at her cousin.
"Yes I know you are right, but I have a question how did you deal with it, like did you ever try to run away?"

Haruka sighed but then smirked, chuckled, and looked at her.
"Of Course I tried to run away but Michiru didn't let me, and then I met Usagi, and she made me open up to a lot and understand. Yes, Of course I was stubborn , we didn't join forces with the others until Small lady and Hotaru were taken. We had a mission to find the three talismans which we found out was owned by Myself, Michiru, and Setsuna. Also to find pure hearts the purest heart was Our Princess, and ChibiUsa our little princess. When our princess saved us ,we all lived because of her , yes at times she is a crybaby, and she doesn't like violence and she makes dumb decisions. Yet, she understands what being a warrior is and she understands what being a Guardian is, something you need to work on. "

Miyako sighed.
"I always thought I wouldn't end up becoming a guardian, I did try to run away myself. Still, at the times Michiko also tried to run away she tried to run away with me but then we met the other scouts your scout team and our princess. "

She sighed.
"I just wish I saw the signs of it, this is why I am a failure. If only I paid attention to what was going on around me, then just maybe I could've saved them all. "

Haruka looked at her.
"That's really not your fault, but that's why I'll be training you myself "

Miyako nodded.
"Okay, Cous are you sure you can?"

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