Phase 2: The Beginning

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A/N: Warnings of adult themes, read at your own risk co-written and art RadiantRaku

Kaori ran at Haruka, and they started to spar .

Haruka spoke out.

"You think you're all that! Now that you're back well I haven't forgiven you from those years back when you attacked me in just a spar ". Kaori glared and was using her strength to push back , grunting.


Haruka grunted back.

"Yea, and then ran off like the coward you are since the kingdom fell !"

Kaori glared.

"YOU DON'T KNOW EVERYTHING! " They both were sparring and were sparring hard with each other .

~Akane ~

Akane woke up in a cold sweat, panting, and whispering in her mind.

'Damn it !What are these memories all a sudden why is this happening ? Why are they repeating and then disappearing I don't understand ' She got off the spare bed, walked into the kitchen, and made herself coffee .

Onyx wasn't anywhere in sight, There was a note on the counter , Akane read it and crumbled it.

"Tch " She sipped her coffee .


He knocked on Usagi's door , Petz opened the door , she hugged him and brought him in so happy to see him.

"Hello, My Son, glad to see you again , you look like you're irritated. "

Onyx sighed and hugged his mom back .

"Where is Usagi-Sama?"

Usagi got up then walked to them .

"Yes, Onyx what's wrong? "

Onyx spoke.

"Akane-Chan is starting to get flashbacks but she won't fall for them , the next plan.

Is being planned and I came back to warn you all , because Akane is back in Japan , I won't say where , but I want you guys to be aware please. "

Usagi and Petz looked at each other.

"Why can't we know where Akane is ?"

Onyx sighed as he responded to them both.

"Because she knows I've been talking to you all she hasn't ratted me out , so I'm not revealing her hideout I'm sorry , I must go. "

Petz feared for her son she had a flashback.


Saphir dying by Wiseman's power , as he yelled out Petz !, and fell dead , Usagi yelled out Saphir , Tuxedo Mask had a small tear .'

~Flashback ends ~

Petz fell to her knees covering her face, afraid she would lose him like she lost his father.

'Please, Onyx be safe my son.'

Onyx left and sighed he saw Miyako and Harumi as he walked pass them , Miyako glanced over and had a suspicion of him she looked away rolling her eyes ,Maiko was holding Miyako's hand as they walked .

Harumi arrived home.

"You didn't have to walk me home Miyako-San " Miyako looked at her.

"Maybe but my car is in the shop, and you don't live far from me and Maiko-Chan , goodnight Harumi-Chan."

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