Memories of Her Past

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A/N: Art and Co-Written with my multi-talented sister 

Memories of the Past

Harumi gets on her flight, heading back to Juban, and looks at her phone not one message or call from Ami. An extremely familiar feeling from her past. She closes her eyes as her flight takes off, trying to relax. A flashback returns causing her to grab her heart.

'A red and black smoke engulfs Sailor Amethyst, but a familiar soothing voice comes out of the smoke. Akane-San you scared me, what did I tell you about sneaking up behind me like that? W-What is wrong with your eyes and w-who is she??A-Akane, are you doing!!'

The flashback ends and she looks around seeing she is on a plane. She wipes the sweat from her forehead and takes a sip of her water as her food is served. The stewardess looks at her concerned.

"Miss, are you okay? Here is your food, hope you enjoy. We should be arriving in Juban in five hours. "

Harumi responds.

"Yes, I am fine thank you. "

She watches as the stewardess walks away and eats her food, wondering why that flashback came and just went away.

'Are my memories returning like Miyako-San's or was that just a nightmare? It has to be my memory returning slowly, that was Akane, but she was not the woman I fell in love with, and her eyes were red. Why does that voice sound familiar, and why couldn't I see her face?'

~Five hours later~

Harumi arrives at the airport, and heads home to her and Ami's apartment. Ami was in the living room watching TV, when she unlocked their front door. She took her shoes off, and entered the living room, but noticed purplish marks on Ami's neck. She knew the ones she gave her should've gone away by now, but those were very fresh. Ami swallowed hard when she saw Harumi.

"H-hi H-Harumi-San. Y-you seem exhausted, I left some food in the fridge in case you got hungry from your trip. I just read your messages, sorry was busy training with Usagi and the others."

At that point Harumi knew she was lying, because of the stuttering as she spoke, not even having eye contact with her.

"Ami-Chan, look at me in my eyes and say that again? What are those marks on your neck? Do not give me that you got hurt during training. I haven't kissed you in weeks, you haven't wanted me to touch you, and we haven't been intimate on top of that!! Start talking, I am in no mood for anymore lies!!"

Ami tried to avoid her, and Harumi pinned her with anger in her eyes, and hurt.

"Your behavior lately, is too familiar from another's behavior in my past when my partner tried to kill me, and was caught red-handed cheating on me. My mirror could easily tell if you are lying to me you know that right?"

Ami swallowed hard and knew she was caught.

"I-I can explain babe, please unpin me this is extremely uncomfortable. W-While you have been training, I was umm. I was trying to give you space because I know you are slowly regaining your strength. So I ummmm....went up to the mountains with. My scout team to train in case the new enemy attacks like it did before and you got hurt."

Harumi unpinned her and glared.

"You are lying Ami-Chan, you know how I know you are lying? Those hickeys on your neck are fresh, and we haven't fooled around since Sailor Orochi was awakened! Since the night she transformed you have been thinking I was using you! I am done with you, don't touch me and run to your girlfriend; We are OVERRR!! I AM FINISHED WITH BEING BETRAYED BY THE ONES THAT CLAIMED THEY LOVED ME!!"

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