Things Lightening Up

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A/N: Cowritten and art by 

It has been a month since Harumi was reawakened and gained her new powers, and two in a half months Since Miyako was reawakened, and became stronger.

Miyako was still hurt but she brushed it off, as she started her daily routine. She took a shower got out , got dressed, then she fixed her hair making sure she had everything including her books, she put her shoes on and headed out and drove to school.

~Kaiya Residence~

Harumi woke up as she sighed still not over the fact she was hurt again, and just felt as if she isn't meant to be happy anymore, she shrugged it off, took her shower, got out. She got dressed, fixed up her hair and headed to school. As she arrived at school she saw Ami with Makoto and just tried her best to avoid them, when she was tapped on the shoulder. She turned around fast then looked.

Minako looked and spoke.

"Hey, it's okay walk with us. Usagi and Rei nodded.

"Yes walk with us, we are here for you."

Harumi smiled and walked with them.

They walked toward their lockers. When Harumi opened her locker, she ripped up the pictures of her and Ami throwing them in the garbage. As The bell rang and they headed to their classes.

Miyako walked into class and avoided Makoto, she sat in a different seat , when the teacher spoke.

"Before we begin we have a new student joining , she came from Kyoto Japan, and has transferred here. Please welcome Yura Nazuki."

Harumi heard the name feeling she has seen the girl or heard the name before from her past.

Nazuki smiled and bowed to the class and took a seat by Harumi. She was quiet and just started her work that was on the board.

~Across the room~

Miyako was doing her work, when a note was thrown to her by Makoto.
She rolled her eyes and threw it in the garbage. She just wasn't in the mood to talk, she kept to herself, she finished her work, and handed it to the teacher. Then she sat back down.

Usagi finished her essay and handed it to the teacher, then she sat back down.

~Five minutes after the bell rang~

Miyako walked out of the class and was heading toward study hall. When she decided to skip when she saw Makoto in a corner with Ami. She just didn't want to be bothered. Nazuki sat down in a corner seat and went on her laptop. Harumi was catching up on her book in deep thought when she started to get more memories from her past she held her head.

Nazuki noticed one of her classmates was in pain, so she ran to her, and placed an ice pack on her head.

"Hey are you okay?"

Harumi looked up and smiled.

"Thank you Nazuki-San."

Nazuki smiled and then she spoke.

"I noticed you were struggling earlier are you okay?"

Harumi looked at her and sighed. Nazuki blushed a bit.

"I'm sorry I'll leave you alone since I'm a stranger. " She was about to get up."

Harumi looked.

"No it's not that, I just had a breakup with my girlfriend a few weeks ago and it hit hard so that's what has been on my mind, I'm sorry if I came off rude."

Nazuki sat down beside her.

"I'm sorry that happened and it's understandable. I Just transferred from Kyoto High due to weird things happening there, so I came here."

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