Memories of the Past Come Flooding Back

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A/N: Art by @EntityCherryMoon and Co-Written. Now that Harumi has reunited with at least one original member of her scout team, the newest member always rejected her powers finally awakens an accepts what she must do to help her team. We find out a very sad moment from the betrayal of Akane, but this is only a piece of what is yet to come. 

Harumi woke up not seeing Nazuki on the couch and entered the kitchen where she saw her cooking breakfast for them. Nazuki smiled at her and turned toward her.

"Harumi-San thank you so much for staying the night. It feels good knowing some of our team survived doesn't it? Just hope you understand, neither of us are angry at you about Akane's betrayal. I certainly am not blaming you for my sister's death. It just hurts seeing the look on her face when she was betrayed by Akane. Her last words to me before she died in my arms was tell Harumi-San I am sorry for keeping my feelings for her so deep inside, I just knew how much in love she was with Akane-San. Nazuki-Chan I am sorry I failed you, I love you so much."

She started to tear up again, and Harumi held her.

"Nazuki-Chan, it's okay your sister held on the best she could till the very end, now it is your turn to become the scout you were meant to be. Just know this she is smiling down at us right now. She will be so proud of what you became I can assure you of that. Will you be okay now, I have to go see my cousin Michiru. I have a better idea, after we eat breakfast I will take you to go meet her."

Harumi looked away after she spoke feeling her cheeks getting hot.

'Man, I am falling hard again and shouldn't be with everything that has happened. With the memories of Akane, slaughtering each and every single one of our team members, and our Princess crying as Akane killed her in cold blood. Her words still go through me now that I have awakened.'


'It was a normal day, and the scouts were just sitting around speaking, giggling, and just enjoying the peace they had. Harumi was still very much in love with Akane and had no idea what she was about to witness. From behind a familiar, yet soothing voice, and a very normal touch from the one she was destined to be with for so long. When suddenly the trust, and security she felt for so long suddenly diminished when she looked up facing her lover who was surrounded in dark energy stood behind her and a giggle was also heard as the other scout with dark hair was ridiculing her. Screams were heard behind Harumi as her lover slaughtered each and every one of their scouts. When she looked up seeing Akane's blade covered in blood, as their princess ran in front of her trying to protect her as they both stared seeing Akane's eyes red with hate and the intent to kill. Harumi froze in fear as she watched, Akane's blade go through her heart as their princess's blood splattered on Harumi's sailor outfit, the memory of Asami running at Akane trying to protect her only sister yelling for her to get away, as she was screaming at Akane as they fought.

You traitor, how could you!! Kill your own scouts, our Princess in cold blood what the hell has gotten into you!! Are you listening to me, wake the hell up Akane-San, do not make me hurt you because you know I will, I stood and watched as you killed them all in cold-blood and just wiped off your blade and continued to take them down one by one, but I will not fall so easily DO YOU HEAR ME!! Come at me you damn Bitch!! Harumi-San save yourself; she is not herself it won't be worth trying to make her come to her senses, take Nazuki and just RUNNN!! Watch out for another one behind you!! Where the hell did, she go!! Aghhhhh, Akane-San, how could you!!' Harumi watched in horror as Akane killed the last standing scout and was in disbelief as she saw her run at her with her sword, putting up her mirror blinding Akane for a split second as she grabbed Nazuki who was gripping her twin sister screaming for her to wake up, eventually being knocked out, and waking up to all her scout team laying in a puddle of their own blood being saved by her cousin and Haruka as she cried on her cousin Michiru, looking around not able to find Nazuki.'

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