Things Changing

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A/N: Co-Written and art by @EntityCherryMoon. Things seem to be changing, and the only one who is aware is Haruka. Miyako continues to train, to become stronger so once the battle comes she will be ready.  

(At Kinos Residence)

Haruka stayed in front of the door waiting, Makoto came downstairs and opened the door, she looked up and blushed.

"Haruka-San what brings you here?"

Haruka looked at her then spoke.

"Was in the neighborhood and came to check up on you since I haven't seen you around, even during training I haven't seen you around. "

Makoto let her in, Haruka entered and took off her shoes and closed the door.

"So, what has been up? "

Makoto looked at her and was trying to hide how she had been feeling, she gave her water.

"It's nothing just been busy studying and cleaning my apartment and planning a get away to clear my mind after everything that's happened since. "

Haruka leaned against the wall.

"I see and how long will you be gone for? if you don't mind me asking? "

Makoto was getting abit irritated was about to say something, Haruka smirked
and pinned her.

"Going to use your tough skills on me now? What happened the last time when you girls thought I was guy? "

Makoto blushed and looked up at her.

"T-that was diff-erent."
Haruka chuckled and smirked keeping her pinned.
"I only asked a simple question and came to check up on you like a good friend, I've been training my cousin to get stronger, and you have been avoiding her, and it's not right she is trying to get stronger, so she don't die or lose anyone ."

Makoto blushed and tried to talk.
"I-I. "

Haruka moved her hand down her waist and looked into her eyes.

"I know why you fell for my cousin I'm not stupid Makoto -Chan you have my cousin worried and everybody else you need to remember who was there for you. "

Makoto blushed and couldn't say anything then finally said it.

"I'll be gone for two weeks ill be back, I just need time to clear my mind. "

Haruka looked at her still having her pinned.

"That's all you had to say, and I'm sure you wished this happened when I first met you. " She smirked and let go.
Makoto blushed red and didn't say another word.

Haruka chuckled.
"See you around Makoto Chan." She walked out after putting her shoes back on.

Makoto sat there pondering blushing as she can see from her window Haruka leaving.

(Back at Tenoh's residence)
Miyako and Maiko finished their sparring session.

Miyako smiled and wiped the sweat off the back of her neck. Maiko stared then looked away.
Miyako turned around and looked at her with a concerned look.
"How's your injury?"

Maiko smiled.
"It's okay, if it wasn't for your cousin Haruka, Michiru, and Setsuna I probably wouldn't have been saved." Miyako sighed and sat down.
I'm sorry I didn't come apparently I fell asleep. "

Maiko sat beside her.
"It's okay no worries you needed sleep Miyako-San."

Miyako looked at her and smiled. Haruka walked in upset.
"I'm gonna go lay down. " She had a type of tone that she only uses when she is upset, she slammed her door.
Michiru looked and sighed then smiled
"I'll see you girls around." She walked into the room.

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