Faces from the Past

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A/N: Art by @EntityCherryMoon and also Co-written.

Miyako went outside while everyone was drinking their smoothies. She took off her school jacket and looked out to the city view, Maiko noticed and walked outside, while the others were talking amongst themselves, and giggling.

Maiko looked behind her, they stopped giggling. Maiko went outside to check up on Miyako. As she walked to her she was trying not to blush as she spoke.

"Are you okay Miyako-San?" She asked in a concerned tone.

Miyako smirked and chuckled.

"I'm fine, but I do need to say something."

Maiko looked and was a bit scared of what was gonna be said. She wondered if Miyako saw her face red as she waited for her to speak, still trying to hide the blush.
Miyako took a deep breath and faced her with her closing her eyes.

"Thank you, Little Bun, I appreciate you helping me. That meant a lot to me. "

Maiko blushed and spoke.

"Of course , Miyako-San, I kept my promise and I'll continue to, I never liked you suffering ever since that battle I was afraid for you. I was actually concerned about you after that awful battle. The things that went through my head. I—I-I th-thought we lost you." She looked a bit down.

Miyako stood up and placed her hand on her chin, lifting it.

"Look at me Maiko-Chan."

Maiko looked into her eyes.


Miyako spoke and smirked.

"You'll never lose me Maiko-Chan I'll always be here."

Maiko blushed as she smiled and hugged her.

Miyako blushed a bit and hugged her back. Maiko looked at her and kissed her on the cheek.
"I'll always protect you." She blushed as she looked at the time.
"Well I should be heading home It's getting late."

Miyako blushed but hid it.

"I can take you home if you want?"

Maiko looked at her.
"I'm just down the street Miyako-San I'll be fine."

From by the door, the other girls giggled and watched them.

Miyako looked and smirked. Maiko looked at her confused.
"Wa-it what?"

They walked to the building and near a wall as Miyako pinned Maiko to the fence with a smirk.
"So Maiko-Chan what are you doing next Friday?"

Maiko blushed as she was pinned.
"Umm, I am doing N-nothing ."

She was blushing dark red.

Miyako chuckled as she spoke.
"I mean if you want, we can hang out. "

Maiko blushed and looked up at her.

"U-h su-re, s-sounds g-great. "
The girls blushed watching them. Kioku spoke to Amaterasu quietly.

"Are you seeing this?"

Amaterasu looked at her.
"No really, I thought they were playing a game." She said sarcastically.

Kioku stuck her tongue out.

Amaterasu chuckled as she noticed
"Very cute Kioku-Chan. "

Kioku was about to walk away and then blushed as she looked up. Miyako has her arms crossed
"Little Eves droppers I see. "

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