Tensions Arise

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A/N: Art and co written by @EntityCherryMoon Introducing Dark Garnet and Dark Nami. Now let's get into the chapter shall we be warned some scenes below are not for children read at your own risk. 

It was a week since the reuniting of Miyako and her scouts, she was working out, and thinking about everything that's been going on, she can sense something is coming she was on high alert and was thinking about her old scout team, she sighed and thought to herself.

'I will not let you win Akane and Michiko I will kill you both if it's the last thing I do mark my words '

She sat down wiping the sweat off her face , she got up , took a quick shower , got dressed, and headed out to meet up with Kioku, Maiko, Amaterasu, and Amaya for their training session with her , she decided to stop at the arcade and spotted Minako alone , not with Usagi nor Rei this time .

She walked passed her and hid behind the wall by the bathroom.

Minako finished her water, took a big stretch got up, and walked to the girls' bathroom when she was suddenly pulled inside the girls bathroom, she smiled and thought it was Rei. She looked and saw it was Miyako she felt her body trembling a bit, and at that moment she spoke.
"How are you Miyako-San, how was your reunion with your scouts?"

Miyako looked at her smirking, and then spoke while she was leaning against the bathroom mirror with her arms crossed.
"Oh it was actually interesting, but on the way there something was found upon Makoto-Chan's feed, and it caught my eye."

She walked towards Minako and kept speaking, Minako was walking backwards slowly as Miyako continued to talk. " It was brought to my attention Minako-Chan "

She smirked a bit more.

"So I'll ask this once and it will be a warning this time "

She aggressively pinned Minako to the bathroom wall gripping her hands and pulled them above her head , and placed her knee in between her legs. Minako blushed and looked into Miyako's eyes .

Miyako kept her pinned and her flirtatious tone turned to her serious tone.

"I will say this one more time , I understand you love to be the match maker and you also love to be the center of attention but that picture you posted of me and Makoto kissing in the library, that pushed it overboard! "

She moved her knee up higher in between Minako's legs with a smirk as she spoke.
"You know the things I can do , I'm not as bad as my cousin but I can do many things to you and maybe it will teach you a lesson but me being loyal as I am I won't do anything , so you're lucky I'm not single cause if I was. You would regret the decisions you have been making and to be honest I'll let my cousin Haruka deal with you , mind you Michiru-San doesn't care what Haruka does because she knows Haruka is hers , so I'm warning you I don't want to see any posts of me and Makoto again , I have let my cousin know so you need to be careful with what you do she can be anywhere as I can . "

Minako struggled and blushed and spoke with stuttering words.
"W-hat it is just me being happy and p-playing around. "

Miyako looked at her still keeping her pinned.
"Its not right what you're doing it's starting to annoy me, and you don't want me annoyed! "

She removed her knee and placed her hand on her waist ,pulling her to her chest, staring at her in her eyes .
"Now be a good little girl and back off of mine and Makoto's relationship because from here now my cousin will deal with you , mind you me and Haruka have permission from Rei." She whispered very seductively in her ear. She smirked and pulled away.
"See you around Minako-chan. " She walked out of the bathroom.

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