True Danger Lurks

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A/N: Drawing by my Talented sister Rachel Sailor Amethyst AKA Harumi with her new gf Ami Aka Sailor Mercury.

At Mamoru's apartment Usagi and ChibiUsa were getting help on their homework, when ChibiUsa asked.

"Mom and dad, do you really think we can live in peace after that last battle?"

Mamoru looked at her.

"You haven't been sent back yet, maybe they don't think it's safe enough yet. ChibiUsa don't worry too much, just know if we end up having another enemy, we will all keep you safe. You have also come a long way from being a sailor scout in training into the strong scout you are now. We are proud of you. Aren't we Usako?"

Usagi looked up.

"Yes, we are proud of you. But she is right, it has been awfully quiet after our last battle. Maybe, now we can truly live in peace. I am just surprised that Michiru, Haruka, Setsuna, and Hotaru are still around. They usually leave when we have no danger to take care of. Maybe there is another enemy out there we don't know about."

~at Michiru and Haruka's~

Michiru was outside playing her violin when she suddenly felt arms around her waist. She stopped and looked at the blonde.

"Haruka, I told you I was practicing for my concert. Now that it is peaceful, I can finally focus on my dreams. Why are you looking at me like that? I told you the waves were calm. Why do you have a hard time believing me?"

Haruka sighed as she still held her waist.

"Michi, because ChibiUsa hasn't been sent back to the future yet. Maybe, it is not as safe as we all think it is. Which means we can't let our guard down at all. Like you did around that creep Seiya. There is no telling what he would've done if I didn't interrupt you two?"

Michiru put her violin down and looked at her.

"Are we still talking about this? I told you, I allowed it because I knew you were coming. Why do you keep on bringing it up? Did you really think I would cheat on you, as long as we are together? Answer the question Haruka. Oh, so it's okay if you flirt with other girls to get me jealous, but I am not allowed to is this what you're saying?"

Setsuna came out to the terrace.

"Lunch is ready, Haruka and Michiru. Hotaru cooked lunch all by herself. Did I interrupt something?"

Michiru took Haruka's arms from her waist and put her violin away in its case. Hotaru saw this and looked at Setsuna.

"Is Mama and Papa fighting again? Mama looks very aggravated."

Setsuna sighed.

"Sweetie it's very normal for those two. I am so used to it by now. Come on let's serve lunch. "

Haruka sighed as Michiru walked away from her silently.

"Damnit!! What the hell is going on with me lately? Accusing Michi of not being true, have I lost my mind or something? Setsuna what could be causing this all of a sudden?"

Setsuna looked at her as she handed her a plate.

"I was wondering the same thing Haruka. Also, you need to watch your mouth, when we aren't in need of Saturn, she is a teenager, that is our daughter. You tend to forget that a lot. Now Michiru is angry at you and Hotaru senses it."

Haruka looked at her.

"Well Michi is mad at me for no reason at all it's not my fault. I was just saying it's a possibility that there is a new enemy out there playing with our minds."

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