1) Successful Debut

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The extra hour of jogging invigorated Dharma and the cobwebs in her head began to clear. She paused to take a long breath. Usually, she jogged for half an hour but this morning, her adrenaline rush urged her to vent more energy beyond the stipulated half an hour. It was probably her interaction with Maurya last night that made her restless and craving for an alternate expulsion of built-up energy. As his token of gratitude to her for saving him from the falling tree, Maurya had dropped her home. However, he had spoiled the gesture by chiding her for putting her own life in peril. She had reflected on his strange behaviour and kept recalling the times they had met. Consequently, she hadn't slept well. It was also Show-time for buyers. Checking the time, she hurried to her hostel.


Rashika was a skilled but fast driver. Many times, Maurya had warned her of over-speeding but right now, she let out her frustration and anger on her car. She had had a violent row with Maurya the previous afternoon, over their trip to her native town. He had refused to accompany her family to the annual festival. Rashika had hoped that he would change his mind at the last moment but Maurya had been adamant and she had no excuses to give her parents.

It was true that the workload was high but there were efficient executives who could manage in Maurya's absence so why had he declined to go with her? After their quarrel, Maurya had stomped out of his office in temper. This morning, her mother once again pestered her to convince Maurya to go with them and she screamed at her mother in frustration.

As Rashika sped along the outer ring road, her temper was stewing to a boiling fury. She had always done what her mind willed. There had never been an occasion when her wishes or needs had been unfulfilled. Her love for Maurya was never easily detected and with her sweet temperament, she had managed to make him propose to her. But now, things were different. She was reluctantly realizing that Maurya was so headstrong that at times, she felt like a clay pigeon.

She slowed down at the sight of the pile-up of traffic. She had followed her aunt's advice and had beseeched her father to give her a chance to work with Maurya and learn the ropes of the business. However, Maurya had placed her in the post of managing director at Index Fashions. After a month of joining Index Fashion House, she realized the complexities of running a company. Her foremost aim had been to salvage her sinking relationship with Maurya but working in Index fashion did not permit it. The only way to earn his attention now was by hook or crook.

Her phone buzzed. It was her best friend, Arjun.


Dharma waited at the stop for her regular bus. She planned to take the finished garments at around 2 in the afternoon. The models would be reaching the hotel directly and she had given specific instructions to them on their hairstyle. Dharma believed in the overall look to enhance the appeal of the outfit.

The bus was late, and by 9.10 she was fretting. The bus usually arrived at 8.50 and she would reach the office by 9.30 but today she was going to be late. The rattly blue vehicle, finally, made an appearance at 9.25 and Dharma took the usual seat. At the next stop, Mrs Singh boarded the bus and took the seat beside Dharma. The older woman and Dharma had become good friends over the days and Mrs Singh invariably brought her some snacks to munch. But that morning, she looked weary and Dharma pointed out, "You look tired!"

"Yes, slight pain in the chest. Sorry, I did not bring anything for you today except these roasted peanuts."

"That is alright. Did you show it to a doctor?"

The bus conductor diverted Dharma's attention and she searched her purse for coins to pay him. When she turned around, Mrs Singh's head had slid to the window. Her arms had become limp on her lap. Alarmed, Dharma shook her shoulders but Mrs Singh had blacked out.

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