19) The Intricacies of Love

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Rashika looked at Maurya in confusion, but she was beside herself with joy that he was not attracted to anyone else.

Under Maurya's scrutiny, Rashika cast about for a logical answer, "No, I thought you would want to postpone the date."

"Do you want to?" he asked, hoping that she would answer in affirmation.

"No, of course not! It is just that...I felt that you were drifting away from me," Rashika faltered, not mustering enough courage to confront him about Dharma.

Maurya shrugged, his attention returning to the glass.

Delighted that he had no intention of putting off their wedding, Rashika rose from her seat and rushed to Maurya, "Oh god Arya, I love you so much. I thought I had lost you,"

"Why would you think that?" he asked, tugging out of her embrace gently.

"I thought...Never mind! Anyway, I told Dad that if you are not interested in continuing with Krishna Industries, I would take over the business," hurrying back to her seat, she spilled the beans out.

Maurya regarded her guardedly, "What makes you think that I would lose interest in the business?"

"I thought you had other interests to focus your attention on...." She murmured, grappling to get out of the trap that she had caught herself in.

"Like?" he asked doggedly

"I don't know Arya. I just thought that you were losing interest so I told Dad that I would happily take over the reins of the business."

Maurya tossed the question very casually, "Did your father agree to it?"

"Oh yes, when I asked him if he was willing to hand over the business to someone other than you, he said he would hand it over to me," Rashika answered proudly, not considering that her answer would create irreparable damage to her relationship with Maurya.

"Really? Did he say that?" the mildness of his tone should have warned Rashika but she was too engrossed in the thought of being the only recipient of Maurya's affections.

"Yes, but of course, I am sure that he would never even think of handing it over to anyone else other than you, let alone me..."

The waiter arrived with their order and they fell silent.

"So, what have you been doing these days?" the sudden change of topic puzzled her.

"Oh, I have been doing this and that. Index Fashion is keeping me busy," Rashika answered, trying to remind Maurya in her subtle way that she was already involved in the business.

"And what exactly is keeping you busy? I hadn't expected you to be so interested when I suggested to your father that you head Index Fashion ..."

Rashika's eyes skimmed over his face sceptically, making her wonder if he was reminding her deliberately. Frowning, she replied, "Day-to-day matters, also Sonia guides me about the functioning of the business."

"Good, you and Sonia have become friends," Maurya observed aloud.

Rashika felt it in her bones; the widening rift between them. She felt helpless and was desperate to mend the growing chasm.

"Arya, I will stay at your place tonight," Rashika offered as an olive branch.

"Why? Isn't Arjun waiting for you?"

Rashika's face paled and their eyes clashed, one cool and the other agitated.

Thrown off balance, Rashika asked, "What do you mean Arya? I didn't know you were stalking me," Rashika implied.

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