9) An All-Consuming Love

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"Maurya, stay here for the night," Brahim's request made Dharma uneasy. She didn't want her friends to be on such casual terms with her boss, especially with a man as complex as Maurya.

"I don't think so Brahim. I would be troubling you too much."

"No of course not! Moreover, it is not advisable to drive so late, especially after drinks," Brahim insisted and Kamya seconded him.

"Well, if you insist, then I will take up your offer."

"Oh great, you can use my..." before Brahim could complete the sentence, Maurya cut short him, "I will take this couch. You don't have to give up your room for me."


"No Brahim, I will stay only if you allow me this couch."

"Ok, you are welcome to use it..."

They hung around for some more time, chatting about various topics. Then Kamya who was almost on the verge of falling asleep excused herself. Some moments later, Brahim took off. Dharma and Maurya were the only ones left and Dharma cleared the room. She declined Maurya's help when she began to wash utensils. After cleaning the kitchen, when she passed the living room, she saw Maurya stretched on the couch. She hesitated, then wishing him goodnight, she moved to the bedroom that she and Kamya were sharing.

"Hand me a pillow..." Maurya demanded. She searched for an extra pillow in the bedroom. Both Brahim and Kamya were asleep so she couldn't ask them. There wasn't an extra pillow. Exchanging her pillow with a cushion, she took her pillow to Maurya. But before she handed him the pillow, she had one last question. He had an arm over his eyes but he hadn't yet slept.

"Why are you avoiding Rashika?" mustering the courage, she asked him finally.

He shifted his arm to glance at her. She was standing a few feet away from the couch with the pillow.

"None of your business. Now, pass me that pillow," he commanded. Flinging the pillow at Maurya who snatched it before it hit the floor, Dharma stalked back to the bedroom. Heading to the bathroom, she muttered about men who thought no end of themselves.

When she flopped on the bed, she fell into a dreamless sleep.

Tossing and turning on the couch, Maurya pushed the pillow under his head. The whiff of fragrance that enveloped the pillow, invaded him with its familiar potency. It impelled him to bury his face deeper into the pillow, prompting him to fall into an undisturbed sleep.


When Dharma woke up the next morning, Maurya had already left. There was no sign of him in the living room. Brahim and Kamya were still asleep. Dharma made herself a cup of tea and settled on the balcony, basking in the warmth of the morning. She was in no hurry because it was a Sunday and she would leave for the hostel after Brahim and Kamya woke up.

Last night was like a dream to her. She had not believed that Maurya would mingle with her friends with such ease. He had been a patient listener as Kamya narrated her ordeal. To Brahim, he had enthusiastically explained the vagaries of certain brands of cars and phones. Dharma had been the one to whom he spoke the least. However, it still irked her that he hadn't confessed the real reason for camping with her friends.


Maurya switched on his phone and saw many missed calls from Rashika. In no hurry to reach her, he washed and had breakfast at his flat. He then headed to the farmhouse where Rashika was spending the weekend with her friends. Refusing to think about the previous night, Maurya concentrated on the work that had to be finished the coming week. Driving through the gate of the sprawling farmhouse that Rashika's friend Arjun owned, Maurya parked his car next to Rashika's BMW. Striding to the main entrance, Maurya observed that last night's buoyant high mood had spilled over to the morning as he saw a couple of guys sprawled on the poolside with drinks.

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