17) A Dive into his Childhood

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"You look as if you have seen a ghost," Maurya observed aloud.

With a start, Dharma heard Maurya and dismissed her absurd realizations. In the wake of the stories that she had heard from the priest; her imagination had run riot. From the moment she heard that like her, Jalindra too had been found by the river, and that, he too had been haunted by obscure nightmares, she had felt an affinity with the unknown Jalindra. And it was probably her wishful thinking that had made her visualize Maurya as a man who had loved her in another life. Maurya would most likely chortle at her whimsical thoughts.

She scanned his face for some sort of long-established familiarity but even now, he seemed an enigma to her.

"How come you are here?" Dharma asked finally.

He shrugged, "I dreamt last night that you were howling for help, probably to escape from that rat who was stalking you. Hence, I thought I would be of help..."

Dharma regarded him, not at all amused by his words. He waited for her reaction; his eyes curious but guarded from her discerning gaze. Dharma was certain that Maurya was eager to know her answer. A faint sneer that was fleeting but recognizable to him, swept over her face and she replied, "I am sure my boss, Rashika would be thrilled to know that you jump at every chance to play the knight to your employees."

His face remained impassive. Turning around, she concentrated on the engravings. She hoped that for her job's sake, she would not antagonise Maurya. She loved her work and also the artistic freedom that Maurya accorded her. But somewhere deep in her heart, she registered the flaring interest of a hunter that recognised its prey.

"I am glad that you think so highly of your boss, and in such a short period, you have understood her so well. I must share this with Rashika."

Dharma's saccharine sweet smile amused him but concurrently, it also annoyed him that she was not susceptible to his wit. Most of the women he had met, tended to be appreciative of his sarcasm and humour but he realized that it was not working on Dharma. And that made him irritable.

"Please do so. I am sure that Rashika, being such a warm and amiable person, would be proud of your actions."

Maurya could not help but grin at her description of Rashika. Damn! She was funny in a cute way. He dropped his masquerade and asked, "Have you worked on the concept for the show? And how are you going to present it here?"

"We haven't got permission yet. Nikhil and Mitali are there talking to them."

"Yeah, I know. Nikhil called me. He is finding it difficult to convince them."

"What? Really?" she grimaced; worried if her plans would be shelved because of administrative refusal.

"No issues, I will make an appointment with the head and convince them," Maurya assured her, taking note of the dismay on her face.

He inched closer and inspected the carvings that she had been perusing. The pleasant smell of his fragrance drifted to her and her nerve ends grew taut. With firm determination, her senses valiantly resisted his sensuous appeal. They remained like that for some moments, studying the beauty of the time worn craftsmanship of the artists who had left behind a legacy; for posterity to learn - a symbol of their knowledge and wisdom that they had hoped that future generations would follow and understand. A quiet and comforting peace descended on Maurya and Dharma, a minuscule part of the ever-progressing infinity, that was exclusively theirs. The meandering breeze caressed Dharma's face first and then carried the distinct scent of her femininity to Maurya, tempting him with its allure. Acutely aware of one another but helpless to convey or understand the depth of their attraction, they stood in silence, not knowing that they would soon be hurtled into a turmoil of emotions.

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