42) Return to Alaka

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"Maurya?" Dushyant exclaimed in puzzlement.

"Good morning, Dushyant! I am sorry to barge in like this."

"Never mind! How are you?"

Dharma's gaze coasted over him. In blue jeans, a T-shirt and a backpack, he looked more like a tourist than the chairman of a company.

Aware of Dharma's scrutiny, Maurya did not allow his eyes to stray to her, although it was an extremely difficult task; given the fact that he hadn't seen her for a month. He set his bag down and brushed his wind tousled strands back.

"So, you were saying something about Ekveer?" he inquired.

Frowning, Dushyant's gaze swung from Maurya to Dharma and back to Maurya. As his brain made quick calculations, his eyes widened in incredulity. He cried out, "My god! Ekveer..."

Instinctively, Maurya's glance slid to Dharma. The charged-up air conveyed their implicit attraction to an onlooker, and Dushyant recognised their deep affection with wonder. Here were two people who had travelled through time and had devotedly gravitated towards each other in a perpetually chaotic age. It was incredible and called for documentation for future generations.

Bilaval breezed in, "Here sir, I got this..." he stopped abruptly at the sight of Maurya, "Oh! I didn't know we had guest."

"It is alright Bilaval. Meet Maurya Verma. He is the chairman of Krishna Industries."

"Oh, glad to meet you sir..." Bilaval enthused, offering his hand to Maurya.

"I have quit Krishna Industries. I am an aimless drifter now," Maurya quipped, surprising all.

"Have you?" Dushyant questioned, making myriad associations. He regarded Maurya with curiosity, disbelief and awe. This was the man who had given up his life and kingdom for his love; who had travelled through the wormhole to meet his soulmate in another life and who was here to rescue Alaka from the great storm. It took time for Dushyant to accept the astonishing truth.

"Are you here for Alaka?" Dushyant questioned.

Maurya shrugged, "I am here to see Dharma...." At Dharma's questioning glance, he explained, "Kamya gave your address."

Maurya tossed a perfunctory look at Dushyant, "If you give us permission, I would like to take Dharma out for lunch. I have some things to discuss with her."

"Sure, you can take all the time in the world but there is a more compelling task you both have to do urgently."

"What is that?"

"To proceed to Alaka at once."

"Alaka? I have no clue where it is..."

"I will guide you."

"But why do we have to go there now?"

"I will tell you," Dharma answered. She sought Dushyant's permission, "Would you excuse us? I will explain everything to him. Then, we can go to Alaka."

"Alright! Will leave as soon as you are back," he deduced from Maurya's arrival that the younger man and Dharma had a lover's tiff before she left Delhi.

Unable to understand what was happening, Bilaval's startled gaze moved from one to another in confusion. Whenever Bilaval was clueless about a situation transpiring around him, he became sullen. He liked to be abreast of everything.

When they were alone, Dharma bit out, "What are you doing here?"

His sardonic glance barely concealed his feelings and he refused to answer her question. Instead, he asked, "Can I keep the bag here? I will pick it up after lunch."

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