13) Return of the Stalker

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Chaitanya finished his breakfast and rushed out of the hotel to the next street where Dharma was staying in Roohi Manzil. He had been tracking Dharma's daily pattern for a week now and he knew the time of the local bus that she took every morning to her office. He strode quickly to his usual spot. There was a jogger's park opposite Dharma's bus stop and he took a seat in the park from where the bus stop was visible. He checked to see if his shades were in place, and the hood he wore concealed his face from her view.

Chaitanya's life was at a good node, where everything was happening as per his wishes. He had taken possession of his in-law's house in Bilaspur and his wife, Seema was in the hospital, getting medical treatment. From what he had learnt in the hospital; it would take many months for Seema to recover. Hence, he was free to pursue Dharma. When Chaitanya's father was alive, he used to say that Chaitanya was as stubborn as a mule. He supposed he was what his father had called because he had never let go of anything that he had wanted in his life. And now, he wanted Dharma, with a desperation that shocked him. He was willing to forego all the material acquisitions that he had gained, for Dharma.

As he waited breathlessly, he saw her arrive. In a purple tunic and black cotton trousers, she looked so appealing that it made a mockery of his conception of beauty. He spied her as she checked her mobile and then drank water from the bottle.

The vision of Dharma, like the rainbow on a pristine blue sky, made him blink in wonder. It was hard to catch sight of a rainbow but it was harder to find someone as lovely as Dharma. Even if she was unobtainable; he was going to hunt her till she became a part of his world.

All of a sudden, Dharma glanced up. Head tilted, her eyes wandered around the road and the park. They fastened on him but he had turned his face away. Although he had wanted her to acknowledge him, he knew it was not the right time to get her attention. In a week, his plan would unfold. Till then, he had to watch her from a distance.


Dharma saw him once again in the park; the man with the hood and shades. She had noticed him in the same spot for the last couple of days. At first, she had ignored him but later, her sixth sense forewarned her. Reflecting upon her intuition, she studied him. From this distance, it was not possible to identify. Moreover, his hood and shades hid his face from her vision. The bus arrived and casting aside her suspicion, she surmised that she probably suffered from a disorder called scopophobia. Forgetting the stranger, she considered the tasks that she had to finish at work. Mrs. Singh had promised to message Dharma about the accommodations available in Mehsana.


Maurya was once again haunted by a nightmare and he woke up in a sweat. It was the same harrowing dream where he was drowning in darkness, engulfed by gushing waves. But this time, he was not searching for anyone. Wide awake, he rose and checked his messages and emails.

There were many missed calls from Shankaran Murthy. In exasperation, he returned the call after a cup of black coffee and breakfast.

"Hello, Mr. Maurya, how are you doing?" Shankaran greeted.

"I am good! If you have called me to persuade me to come to Anuragnicheri, I am sorry it is not possible," Maurya informed the older man bluntly.

"Listen to me first. I am coming to see you tomorrow. Please be available and if you are a busy person, make an appointment for me. Message me the time and I will see you then."

"You are quite a persistent man, Mr. Murthy. I must give you that. Anyway, I am free tomorrow. You can meet me anytime in the office."

"Message me the address. I will be there," Shankaran Murthy affirmed.

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