37) The Ancient Folksong

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Maurya's face was now blanched with a deep pallor as he answered the call. He listened quietly to whoever it was on the other end. Dharma mulled if the caller was Rashika.

Observing the abrupt change of expression on his face, Dharma's heart raced. There was some bad news. From a warm and loving demeanour , Maurya had turned remote and coldly detached.

"What is it Maurya?" she asked as soon as he ended the call.

"Rashika..." he revealed; his thoughts already miles away from Anuragnicheri.

"Is she fine?"

"She met with an accident; she is in the hospital."

"Oh!" ignoring the wounded ankle, Dharma climbed down hurriedly from the bed, "Who was on the phone?"

"Her father..." Maurya answered distantly, his gaze glued to the phone, "I have to go, Dharma."

"Yes, yes, we will go immediately."

"No...." Dharma flinched at Maurya's tone. "No, you stay here. I will book your ticket for tomorrow."

"But, Maurya...if you are leaving, we can go together," Dharma suggested. The fleeting impatience that crossed his face did not miss Dharma's discerning gaze.

"You take rest tonight. I will ask Shankaran to get you to the airport tomorrow."

Maurya had begun making calls, striding away from the room. Dharma followed him. She was anxious about Maurya travelling in the bad weather. She voiced her concern. He ignored it. She reckoned that he was shaken by Rashika's accident. Shankaran lent his car although he did raise the point about the thunderstorm. Maurya paid no attention to either of their misgivings. He left without a glance or goodbye to Dharma.

Lying on the bed in a strange place and in an uneasy state of mind, Dharma's ears caught the rhythm of the falling rains. Her worried thoughts traversed to her past life. The fact that she was a Yakshi made her ruminate about her future with Maurya. Would he be willing to accept her, knowing the truth about her origin?

Before they could discuss their intertwined past in detail, Maurya had got the news about Rashika. In spite of Dharma's connection with Maurya in their past lives, she understood with painful realization that Rashika enjoyed greater privilege in Maurya's life. Rashika was already engaged to him and Dharma knew that he hadn't yet broken his engagement to her. Now, it seemed unlikely that Maurya would come back to Dharma. Nevertheless, Dharma prayed for his safe journey. The Yakshis who had guarded her and Maurya, had left the world to inhabit the subterranean region. In the absence of their guarding presence, Dharma could only hope that bad weather would not trouble Maurya. What she had gathered from Maurya's unexpected departure was that Rashika was seriously injured. Maurya's distress on hearing the news made her wonder if he loved Rashika in his own way. After all, he had known her for many years, and they had spent their crucial growing-up years together.

Maurya had not even considered it necessary to give the details to Dharma. She was still smarting from his terse departure. Nonetheless, she waited to hear from him before drawing any conclusion.

When morning began to make its sunny presence gingerly, she slid out of bed to take a look outside. The rains had stopped, and a silvery dawn was unfolding through the mist. The street road was covered with uprooted trees and leaves ripped by the blistering winds.

She checked her phone and was disappointed to find no message or call from Maurya. After testing her ankle which seemed fine that morning, and freshening up, she left the room stealthily. She did not want to disturb Shankaran, and hence she slipped out of the main door quietly. She inhaled the earthy smell of the rain-washed morning. Ahead of making any conscious decision, her feet were automatically drawn towards Avadhi.

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