40) The Lost World

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Dushyant listened to Shankaran's account of Maurya and Dharma's visit with growing astonishment. Shankaran recounted the sketches on the walls of Avadhi and how Dharma had linked the verse and the ring around the horse to Jalindra's cenotaph and River Yakshagni. Shankaran also related their surprise at learning that Shankaran and Dushyant were old friends.

"After you discovered the trap door, what happened?" Dushyant prodded.

"Oh, it was so unbelievable! Water gushed out at once. Remember, you told me about Yakshagni?"

"Yes, and you informed me that the river in Anuragnicheri was also a tributary of Yakshagni."

"Right! River Agni emerges from Agasthyamalai and joins the main river near Mangapuram before dropping into the ocean."

"Yes, yes...you mentioned that..."

"So, when Maurya opened the trap door in Avadhi, I think the water that gushed out was the waters of River Agni."

"Or Yakshagni..." Dushyant murmured.

"While the water gushed out, Dharma fainted and almost slipped into the ditch and if it had not been for Maurya, she would have gone inside."


"Yes...and Dushyant, do you know the mystifying thing that happened? Just before fainting, she called out a strange name. Both Maurya and I were shocked."

"Whose name?"

"That is the unusual thing. After she gained consciousness, she did not even remember whose name she called out..."

"Oh, that is so strange!"

"Exactly! When Maurya asked her, she was so confused. I felt bad for her."

"Who did she call out for?"


The reference to the name sent shock waves through Dushyant's body. Unable to say a word, his gaze shifted to the range of mountains that were visible from the window of the Ashram. He cast his mind back to the moment he had come across the name, Ekveer in the forest. He reflected on his meetings with Dharma in Modhera; her mention of Jalindra's cenotaph, her confused reaction on hearing the name of the river Yakshagni...

"Dushyant? Are you there?"

"Yes, yes...I am here. I think the signal dropped. What occurred after she called out the name?"

"She fainted and then Maurya carried her back to my house. I guess they had a long conversation about the incident. Anyway, I didn't probe much. But what astounded me was that the house collapsed after their visit. Dharma and I were right there. And in front of our eyes, Avadhi went down like a pack of cards..."

"Has she gone back to Delhi? Shankaran, can you share her number with me? I would like to talk to her about Avadhi..."

"Sure, I will message you."

"Thank you, friend."

The call had rendered Dushyant speechless. It was staggering that someone other than him had a connection to Alaka. If Dharma had called out the name of the Prince of Alaka, Ekveer, then that meant that she had an association with the old world.

He recollected his interaction with her in Modhera. There had been something very distinct about her that was very different from any other woman he had met. She had been outstandingly beautiful, almost bewitching; a rarity today. And her eyes held a depth of wisdom and farsightedness that was not spotted commonly in the present generation.

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