4) Himalayan Impressions

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Dharma had never before seen Brahim so distressed, and she longed to comfort him but she was too choked with pain to soothe him. His unshed tears carried all the weight of his feelings for Kamya. Dharma was not a follower of any particular faith but she did feel that there was one supreme power that guided mankind, and she prayed to that supreme power for Kamya's recovery.

They were on their way to Parijatpur and Dharma was in constant touch with Garima. Kamya's condition had not improved and she continued to be critical.

In an odd twist of impression, the soaring peaks of Parijatpur suddenly seemed menacing to Dharma just then. A large number of cliffs were obscured by the clouds but a few of them were noticeable due to the thawing of snow. That range of Himalayas had been a constant and reassuring presence in Dharma's life throughout her growing up years. Dharma regarded them as a friend and protector. She knew by heart, the distinct aura that the mountains possessed during seasonal transitions. In her childhood, Dharma's vivid imagination had run riot with exotic formation of another world in the depth of the mountains, where she had been the princess of the woods who had been swept off her feet by the prince of the mountains. There used to be magical creatures who would fly and vanish in the air. Nevertheless, in all her creations, the mountains had been the central character that could devour an entire species or protect a whole breed from imminent danger. To Dharma, the Himalayas were the vital force that breathed life into Parijatpur and its beings. Sometimes, when she had been angry, she had found the protruding cliffs ugly and preposterous. She had then called them all kinds of ridiculous names. When she entered her teens, she had regarded the natural pyramids as long-suffering parents who endured the tantrums of their children with amused indulgence. When mist and fog had enshrouded the ranges during peak winters, Dharma would feel depressed; and on those mornings, when the sun's rays touched the rocky slopes, she would be overjoyed and would skip around the campus with glee. Now, as they neared the valley that cuddled Parijatpur, Dharma drew a trembling sigh. Observing the hills with affection and reminiscences, Dharma could not shake off the uncanny sense of foreboding. The feeling persisted even after seeing Kamya. They reached the town by late evening and headed straight to the hospital.

Kamya was still in the intensive care unit and they learnt that she had borne a head injury due to the impact of the fall. According to the doctor, the extent of the injuries could be deduced only after Kamya regained consciousness. Dharma and Brahim hovered outside the critical care unit, through the night, and did not allow themselves the luxury of food or shower when their friend lay inside the unit with tubes and bandages on her face.

The next morning, the doctor informed them that they had to do surgery to stitch up the wounds on Kamya's head. While waiting outside the ward, Dharma checked her messages. She had sent a mail labelling it urgent to the office, citing the reason for her absence and copying it to Rashika and Sonia. There was a reply from the office, granting her leave but there had been no response from Sonia or Rashika.

An hour later, Dharma was shocked to find Chaitanya, Seema and her mother arriving. It was Chaitanya who saw her first. Seema nodded at Dharma but Seema's mother who blamed the feminine gender for every mistake that a man made, ignored Dharma.

Dharma and Brahim stood on one side of the corridor outside the operating theatre while Seema, her mother, and Chaitanya were seated on the opposite side. The hours flew, and Brahim paced the floor restlessly. Seema chatted with her mother, throwing occasional glances at Dharma. Chaitanya did not budge from his seat. He sat opposite Dharma, his legs stretched forward and his head resting on the wall behind. To Seema and her mother, he looked as if he was napping but not to Dharma. She could feel his eyes fixed on her. Once or twice Brahim tried to freeze him out with his stare. But Dharma had discerned that Chaitanya was not the type to get deterred by such tactics.

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