25) River Yakshagni

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It took a long time for Dharma to fall asleep. She lay there in the dark, watching the metro and bill boards through the glass pane of the French door. She even counted the number of planes that descended for landing. The L-shaped living room, with one part of it allocated to the dining, gave way to kitchen and study. Next to the kitchen doorway, there was a small flight of steps that led to a landing, which gave access to the bedrooms.

Although, it felt strange to sleep in Maurya's apartment, Dharma was puzzled by the inexplicable sense of contentment that assailed her. Curling on one side, she refused to think further and fell into a deep sleep.


As soon as he opened his eyes, Maurya's first thought centered on Dharma. He looked out of the window. The morning was still grey, and the day had not yet unfolded. The previous day's events jolted him awake and he pondered if her bruises had healed from the application of the ointment. Last night, he had been incensed at Chaitanya's audacity to assault Dharma in public. Subsequently, Maurya had tried to gather as much information as possible about the legal punishments for stalking and molesting. Hence, he went to bed late; nevertheless, he slept well and woke up refreshed. Grabbing his track pants, he got ready to go for a jog.

The urge to take a look at the sleeping Dharma was too great to be ignored and just before letting himself out of the door, he peeped into the couch. Snuggled into the warm blanket, she was fast asleep and had one palm resting under her chin. A few silky strands had strayed to her face, gliding over her eyes. Maurya itched to brush them away but he checked his impulses. In repose, her beauty was underlined with a soft vulnerability that aroused his most basic biological instinct; to protect and keep her safe.

Before he did something uncharacteristic, he left the apartment swiftly for his routine morning run.


When the sun light streamed through the window, Dharma woke up with a much- needed feeling of restfulness. She had slept so deeply that it took her a few moments to assimilate where she was. Her eyes wandered around the room, absorbing the quietness of the flat. She folded the blanket neatly and strolled to the balcony. The bright morning welcomed her and she inhaled the crisp day's spring whiff.

In the bathroom, there was a new dental pack and a freshly laundered towel. She smiled fondly at Maurya's thoughtfulness and wondered if he had woken up. Stepping into the kitchen tentatively, she noticed that all the ingredients for making coffee were placed in an orderly manner on the counter.

Carrying a mug of freshly made coffee, she sauntered into the open room that was Maurya's study. On the wall opposite the doorway, there was a large painting. Dharma peered at the name scribbled at the bottom. To her surprise, it was Vishu Marco. She studied the painting. It seemed like the solar system. Bright colours were splashed in circular motion and in the center of the canvas, there was a black ring. She let her fingers run over the darkly painted ring.

"It is the black hole of space where light gets trapped..." Maurya said and she swivelled around guiltily.

"Sorry, I just got curious and wandered into the room," Dharma felt the need to offer an explanation.

Noticing his track pants, jacket and running shoes, Dharma gleaned that Maurya was returning from his morning jog. He had a towel around his neck and his hair was wet.

"No problem. Vishu is one of my favourite artists."

"Is it the same black hole whose gravitational pull does not allow anything to escape?"

"Yes, the black hole reminds me of my past, where the earliest memories of my life are trapped."

The comparison surprised her. Nodding quietly, she remarked "I know Vishu Marco."

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