C. 13 Lose To Gain

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Celeste POV

I wake up a burning sensation on my stomach I jump up only to feel myself pass out from the immense pain in my head.

When I wake up again I feel my stomach burning, I look down and see the skin irritated and scorched. I see the ring of must've been a plate or even a fucking skillet if I think that fucker is as crazy as I think he is. I feel my self hold my breath as I try to roll my shoulders my right not moving. Fuck he dislocated it, I slowly shimmy to the edge of the bed and when I stand I bite my lip to avoid screaming at the pain of my arm dropping from gravity and the pain in my head and body. As I limp to the threshold looking around seeing the other door open seeing its another bedroom fully furnished. That must be his room.

I continue down to the front of the house and see he's no where inside. I walk myself back to the room I was in and as I do I catch a camera in the corner in the kitchen aimed at the front door, I'm sure it catches anyone walking from the back as soon as they clear that wall. It's no backdoor so that door is my only civilized way out of here. Not to mention he burned my clothes and shoes, and it's fucking abominable snowman mating season. I won't survive three hours out there like this. I could steal some of his clothes but I don't even know where I am. Maybe I can get the local news on the TV.

I limp to the couch and sit down grabbing the remote. I turn on the TV and I go to the menu searching for the local news station and I finally find it and I wait for the commercial to end.

"Seems like we're gonna see some heavy snow in just a couple of days that may turn into a snow storm one of the heaviest of recent years estimated to bring at least twelve feet of snow. The Winnebago mayor plans to shut down non essential businesses during the hectic weather to avoid any possible complications and tragedies. Back to you Gina." Winnebago, great he got me in the fucking suburbs. I can leave during the snow storm and get myself to a building far enough to call for Diamond or Tommy to come get me. This place is only like an hour away from Chicago in a car but it'll be a damn day trying to walk all the way there. Once I'm confident in my location I turn the TV to some movie playing and I get up going into the kitchen.

I check for weapons I could sneak with me but again I'm naked I can't hide shit on me, plus whoever is watching this camera will see me take it. I just make myself a sandwich before heading to the room, once I'm no longer in the cameras eye I go into his room and look through everything until I find a long screw just sitting at the bottom of the night stand drawer. I grip it and I continue to look around and when feeling under the mattress a gun is found, I quickly dump all the bullets and I grab a shirt and I dump my findings into it before shuffling into my room just incase he does have a camera I can't see.

Once I hide the bullets I go back to the other room before checking the window, I know he hates being hot and he loves the smell of outside so if any window isn't nailed shut its this one. I check the edges for any possible triggers of any type before lifting it before looking down. I see a bush, great a little cushion, but just as I turn around I see something reflect the sun, inside the bushes, I keep my head inside as I look trying to make sure it's not a camera only to see its a bear trap.

"This motherfucker is really a lunatic." I close the window before heading to my room closing the door. The pain from my arm is no longer possible to ignore and I try to pysch myself out as I grip it and I push with all my might as the nasty crunch of my bones snapping back into their socket. I let out a damn near animalistic groan before I drop to the bed and eat at the peanut butter and jelly sandwich. They said the snow storm should be here within the next day I see that in the sky. It's been a day at this point that I've been gone. I'm sure the asshole is gonna use the snow storm as a way to get rid of me and I can not get caught up in a red snow situation.

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