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Polaris swung his bat, hoping to hit the ball he tossed into the air. He went off a few yards away so he could play cricket but he needed more players. And he didn't want to pick berries. He had seen everyone picking berries and cooing over the twins and Kokabiela. Even Mercury and Gallifrey wouldn't play cricket with him. They both went on and on about the harvest and worst of all, Mercury wouldn't stop going on about helping Dad with Mummy, Koko and the twins. 

Polaris didn't understand. Mummy was all better now and the twins arrived a little early but okay,  according to Grandfather and he and Grandpa were always helping with the babies…..

During the entire pregnancy Dad had been acting weird. He and Mercury weren't allowed to do any sort of roughhousing anywhere near their Mum or Kokabiela. And it only got worse as the pregnancy progressed. Mercury and Gallifrey took it all in stride, eager to help ease their father's nerves and to mainly just spend time with their Mum because they had been separated for so long. But as time went on Polaris became more and more restless. 

They hadn't been camping in ages either. He really missed camping and he and his siblings still hadn't been on their trip around the world yet. They were apparently still too young and now that there was a set of twins in the picture…..

They took a lot of his Mum's attention from him too.. He used to be the one that she would coo and fuss over even when he didn't ask for it…..

Daddy and Grandpa would always play cricket with him while Grandfather and Mummy watched with snacks and drinks ready in advance. But that hadn't occurred in ages either…..

"Argh!" Polaris tossed the ball into the air again and whooped when the bat struck the ball. Polaris looked around frantically trying to find the ball when a sudden cry of pain was heard.


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