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It was night time now and everyone was simply too tired to return to Archangel Falls. The triplets were already fast asleep along with the twins who were sleeping on their Grandfather's lap. Aziraphale was also fast asleep in his cozy reclining chair. The triplets were fast asleep on an assortment of pillows and blankets set in front of the television. Curled up next to them was their mother, Eden. 

The only ones who were still awake were Gabriel, Koko and Crowley. Koko was sitting on her Dad's lap and the Archangel looked like he was about to burst with pride. Koko scrambled off his lap as Crowley plopped onto the couch next to them. "Hey there jelly baby, soon you'll be giving lectures and telling off anyone who stands in your way, huh?" Crowley beamed as he scooped up Kokabiela. 

"She already does that!" Gabriel chuckled. "If she doesn't like something she lets us know immediately!" Yes, it was a long string of baby talk but still, Kokabiela made it clear when she had something to say.

Crowley scoffed. "That'll be nothing compared to her teenage years!" Gabriel paled as Crowley continued, "Not to mention her twenties, oh boy that was rough, your little girl running around having strange men and women ogling her….."

"Stop." Gabriel croaked. It was too much for him to bear. Kokabiela was so little, surely she wouldn't grow up that quickly?

"I'm just teasing ya, Romeo! You got plenty of time with your girls before then. And you don't need to be afraid anymore."

Gabriel did a double take. "Pardon?"

"You know what I'm talking about.  Don't play dumb, you're a terrible actor." Crowley placed a hand on his son in law's shoulder. "Everything is going to be okay now Gabriel. Aziraphale has a feeling that the worst is finally behind us."

Gabriel hesitated before answering, "But I'm still afraid Crowley." The Archangel turned to gaze at his sleeping family.

"I am too, but we can't let it consume us. We need to focus on ourselves and our family. They are all what's most important." 

Gabriel wiped his eyes as Crowley added, "Now, go join the rest of the family and get some sleep."

"What about Koko?" Gabriel asked. Koko was playing with the gray lace that Crowley wore around his neck. 

"I'll stay up with her. She's obviously not gonna go down anytime soon. I'm not sleepy anyway. I'm going to try and see if I can try to get her to repeat her first word again!" 

Gabriel laughed as he crawled next to Polaris and Gallifrey, who were snuggled next to Eden. 

"Now, darling Koko, can you try to say, "Grandpa?" Or "Crowley?" How about just "Grandpa Crowley?" Come on, you can do it!" 

Gabriel’s purple gaze traveled over each member of his family. Crowley was right, he had been letting fear linger for much too long. Eden was finally getting the rest she needed, and their children were safe, so there was really nothing to fear anymore just like Crowley said.

Nothing at all.

"I love you all." Gabriel whispered softly as he drifted to sleep. "More than you’ll ever know."

The End

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