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Epping Forest was being sprinkled by a light drizzle of rain but it was by no means gloomy. 

Crowley and Aziraphale were walking along a lone dirt path protected from the drizzle by a dark brown tartan umbrella as they made their way towards Archangel Falls, walking hand in hand. 

After everything that had happened the past year, Crowley, Aziraphale, Eden and Gabriel agreed to just enjoy a Thanksgiving dinner with the children. It wasn’t celebrated in the United Kingdom anyways and their human friends usually had plans anyways this time of the year. 

The Fell/Archer Family celebrated Thanksgiving because they had a lot to be thankful for.

Before long, the couple reached Archangel Falls and were safe from the rain once they reached the safety of the porch. Aziraphale knocked on the door while Crowley shook the water from the umbrella.

"Grandfather! Grandpa!" Mercury, Polaris and Gallifrey exclaimed in unison as the door was flung open and the triplets rushed out to give their grandparents hugs.

"Hello my darlings." Aziraphale said softly as the triplets hugged him first. 

"Mummy is waiting for you in the kitchen, Grandfather." Gallifrey squeaked as her brothers playfully tackled Granpa Crowley.

"Oh, we best get on, I hope she's taking it easy like she's supposed to!"

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