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"Alright, my darlings, let's get these baskets inside and then we can begin preparations for my famous cranberry sauce recipe!" Aziraphale said as he led the children back towards the cottage. 

"Can we see if Mummy is okay first?" Mercury asked, raising his voice over Neil's wailing. He had started crying and it prompted the group to quicken their pace.

"Yes, but we best check with your father first….." Aziraphale's voice drifted off when he saw Gabriel and Polaris. Odd. Why wasn't Gabriel inside with Eden? Aziraphale couldn't help but flinch when the Archangel's purple gaze turned towards him. 

"What's wrong with Neil? Is he hurt?" The twins were safely cradled in their Grandfather's arms but Neil was crying at the top of his lungs while Terri was calmly gazing up at her father.

"No dear, he's fine. I'm sure he's getting tired….." Gabriel didn’t reply as he scooped both twins out of the angel's arms and then hurried inside the cottage. 

Aziraphale turned to Polaris, who was standing completely straight, watching his father carrying the twins inside. 

"Would you like to carry a basket, love?" Aziraphale asked softly. 

But Polaris didn't reply. 

"Polaris!" Aziraphale exclaimed when the boy suddenly dashed into the cottage and didn't stop until he reached his room, slamming the door shut.

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