A miss understanding + choice

589 13 26

Very short one btw but I will continue after this.

America POV

Hah a lovely day to see the sun shining.I really hope this stays forever-


I turned around to see Y/N tried to jump on me but dad grabbed her.

(UK)"Y/N!What on Earth do you think your doing!?You know violence is not the answer!"
(Y/N)"Well maybe is you teach your fucking son to not do some shit to others then we wouldn't be in this fucking consequences right now!"

Dad looked at me and back at her.My heart was pounding hard.How the fuck did she knew that?Oh Russia~.

(UK)"What do you mean Y/N?America what did you do?"
(America)"Uh n-nothing.Plus she wasn't even here for a couple of days.How would she know what happened?"
(UK)"That's true,Y/N please give me an explanation about why are you lying and trying to hurt my son?"
(Y/N)"Im not lying!Russia told me about what America did!"
(UK)"Well I didn't see what happened so  he is probably lying and wanted to get some "attention"."

Dad letted go of Y/N.I went into silence but then Y/N started to get mad.

(Y/N)"I don't care if you didn't saw it and my boy would never lie to me."
(UK)"Your boy?Pfft Russia would never be your boy and he always lie to everyone."
(Y/N)"Oh so your saying that Russia is lying about,"

I saw Y/N leaned to my dads ear and whispered something.He slapped her.

(UK)"Stop with your lies Y/N!No one would ever believe you and Russia now,since you two are the liars now."

Y/N stared at dad and started to attack him.She kept punching him in the face and I managed to grab her off of him.She bit my hand and I made a loud yelp (You are very strong wow)and Y/N got back on dad to attack him more.Soviet Union came by and saw me.He then ran up to me and he kicked me on the stomach.He then said,

(Soviet)"That's what you get for doing it to my son you sicko,don't worry you will be in so much pain soon."

No one heard or saw what Soviet Union done to me.Russia came into the room and he was mad at me.Soviet Union grabbed Y/N and russia grabbed dad.They pulled each other away and I can see all the scratches that dad and Y/N made together.Y/N had a huge scratch on her arm and dad has a huge scratch on his leg.They both calmed downed a bit until Russia loosed grip of dad and accidentally let go of him.Dad then got up and kicked Y/N.Y/N put her feet around his foot,causing him to fall down.

(Soviet)"What the fuck just happened?"
(America)"I don't know they just started to fight.Y/N started."
(Y/N)"I did not started it,your stupid father started it!"
(UK)"Excuse me,you blimming attacked me first."
(Y/N)"Well maybe is you believed me first and didn't slapped me hard then I wouldn't have attacked you.So you kinda started it."

They both got up then dad punched her on the face and they started to fight again. (Not again writer)

(Soviet)"I'm getting UN to sort this thing out."

Soviet Union ran out of the room,me and Russia just watched them Y/N and dad fighting.I tried to hold his hand but then he started to shout.

My sweet angel.(Soviet Union x female reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant