Ace pt.1 (Short one)

300 9 19

I feel like quitting this but I don't want to disappoint you guys.
And I forgot this existed and I think some of you probs did
Btw your filthy baby is called Ace

Anyways as the story was saying..


(Y/N) "Maybe we should call him Ace.."
(Soviet) "Ace..Hmm..Ace is a lovely name.."

I smiled with him while the baby fucking screamed at the top of his lungs.

I felt really tired from all the pushing and so I don't know what to do. I am a mother now, yay.

Shit I really forgot about my mother and father.

(I seriously did in this story)

I sighed a bit as I looked at the country baby..It had a communist sickle and hammer on the top of his forehead and a really cool pattern of green waves going across his face.



Why am I here?

I thought quietly as Germany was sitting next to me.Reading a FOCKING BOOK ABOUT MATHS! BRUH HES LIKE A FOCKING CALCULATOR RIGHT NOW-

Ahem.Sorry about that.

(I'm sorry if it's offensive to Germans or something)

I sighed as I walked forwards and backwards until Soviet and Y/N gets back. I can't believe Soviet got a girl pregnant.I thought he said he doesn't want to have the same problem whenever he dates a women? Hm. Lucky Y/N.


Third person

Couple hours had past and Soviet and Y/N came back home with a baby called Ace. Everyone ran to see the baby and was adoring him. Except Third Reich. He looked like..He just killed 100 k children-

Okay anyways Soviet chuckled a bit as everyone surrounded Y/N and him. Japan screeched that she wanted to hold Ace but when Y/N gave her Ace, he fucking cried loud as an siren.

322 words

I can't do it no more.

But I'll try finish it soon.

I'm sorry.

My sweet angel.(Soviet Union x female reader)Where stories live. Discover now