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Welcome to this little My Hero Academia Fanfiction of mine. I wanted to write this, because I saw the concept of Izuku having Decay so often, but never finished! So I wrote one myself to make sure it is finished for once.

I don't care if this isn't a ic as great as jade_Tatsu's Emperor's Dragon or Whimsical_Girl_357's Emerald Prince, but I am happy it is finished. I wanted to read a finished 'Izuku has Decay' fic for so long, now I have a finished one, even if I had to write it myself.

Won't mind if you can recommend me a few others, though.

This fic wasn't supposed to be posted. I wrote Ash Maker to avoid Burnout on a Pokémon fic, but somehow this side project got finished first. Oh well.

The cover, at first I wasn't happy with it. But over the time, it grew on me and I now think it fits the tone of the fic very well.

I should mention that the boy x boy romance won't appear until a good chunk into the book and will be slow burn. If this is why you're here, maybe you'll be disappointed.

It isn't the main course, just the seasoning or the side dish of the story.

A thanks to the Reddit User u/I_am_a_fiction_lover for coming up with the sub title. (Pulvis et Umbra Sumus - We are dust and shadows)

Ciao for now,

Ash Maker - Pulvis et Umbra Sumus//My Hero Academia FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now