Chapter 2: All Might

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After his meeting with All Might, he was feeling better. While not his favorite hero, at least not anymore, he was still excited to have met the hero outside of any convention type of deal. Albeit, he isn't sure what to think about him revealing a secret of his to the man, who is a stranger to him. But... not everyone can claim have met All Might, let alone talked to him so casually!

When he gets to thevorphanage, he has to brag about it. At least to the younger kids. Hevhas the proof for it!

But he still has to get there. Mrs Shiota will be pissed when he arrives late. But he has proof to show why he is late. He walked tough a busy part of Masutafu. Especially when he realized that a battle was going on. He tried to get a good view, got his notebook ready. Then he saw him.

Bakugou was being attacked by the Slime villain. While his own quirk was painful to the villain, Bakugou's sparks weren't able to prevail in the goo. Looking around, Izuku saw so many heroes. But no one did anything. Something was clicking in his mind, his body was moving on his own. He ran to the villain and Bakugou. He heard people yell, telling him to stop.

But Izuku ran into action. As soon as he was close enough, he stuck his hand into the villain. Once again, the slime started to screech in pain. He let go of Bakugou. Said boy pushed Izuku to the ground ran away, before a paramedic of the ambulance stopped him to check for injuries. To Izuku's surprise, he was praised by the surrounding people for helping Bakugou. Not by Bakugou, though.

Before anyone could realize that he has a villainous quirk, he left the scene. Not before catching a glimpse of how All Might was surrounded by steam, replaced by a skeleton of a man. Mrs Shiota won't appreciate it if he comes late. He has to go. She is one of the few people who sees past his quirk, he doesn't want it to ruinh is bond with her.


A few days later, on a Saturday, he was working on his prototype machine he needs to apply for the support course. He doesn't really want to, but as an orphan that can't be adopted with a villainous quirk, he has to take any straw to build a future for himself. Even if it means doing somethinghe isn't interested in. No, management is worse than support.

Mrs Shiota walked into the room he was sharing with a quirkless boy, a year older. Said boy lazying on his bed, watching Izuku working. Mrs Shiota was very thin and short. Her quirk 'Neko' gave her the characteristics of a cat. Orange fluffy tail, ears and claws. Not to mention the whiskers. She wore often times jumpers she knitted herself, a lot of green shades. The only thing Izuku dislikes about her is that she constantly bugs him that he dyes his hair green. But unless he uses his allowance for anything illegal, she can't do anything against his spending habits.

"Izuku, is your machine finished? The deadline is soon. Not that it bothers you.", spoke Mrs Shiota. "For how many schools did you apply?"

"Any school that is in budget, is easily reachable and if not, offers boarding, I even plan to apply for all UA courses.", replied Izuku, "Around eighty schools, not counting separate courses."

"That is overkill!", chimed his room mate in.

"Shut up, Tanjiro. You at least got into Ketsubutsu's General Course due to their Quirkless Quota.", snapped Izuku at him, "You don't have to grasp onto every straw, you can fall back on disability reliefs and support programs."

This pissed off the black haired boy. Both then felt claws scratching the backs of their head, hairs falling.

"No hissy-fits, boys. Tanjiro, don't mock Izuku for being dedicated. If anything, you should have put more effort into it. What if you hadn't gotten a spot in Ketsubutsu?", spoke Mrs Shiota.

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