Chapter 6: Your name as a Hero

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The first day back in school, his class didn't notice how stressed he was about what Aizawa said. Instead they said how cool it was when he decayed the Nomou thing and hurt Kurogiri. After that hype died down, Ochaco noted his mood. She asked him at lunch, with Momo, Jirou and Shoto listening. He explained Aizawa's visit. The group was a bit shocked. But Jirou was busy with a different thought.

"I'm surprised it isn't called off due to the attack.", she said.

Momo agreed, but added, "UA probably doesn't want to look weak or like cowards. While the school has a prestigious image, many people search for any dirt on UA." Now Jirou was agreeing. "Midoriya, stay calm. The fact that Aizawa-sensei wasn't able to get his will, that All Might and Nedzu cover you, should mean something good. The punishment is still pretty light all things considered."

"Momo's right!", said Ochaco, "It's not like you're related to that Shigaraki guy, right? That you have the same quirk is meaningless!"

"I hope you are right, girls.", said Izuku. "Albeit, our quirks are pretty similar."

"And? That foreign villain you mentioned has the exact same quirk as Bakugou!", said Jiro, "There's no way these two are related. Let alone you and that villain, whose quirk is just similar."

"Izuku, could you convince Aizawa that you partake?", asked Momo.

"I could ask, but I doubt that will help.", replied Izuku, "I don't want to risk things.


The class was sitting in class, Aizawa telling them news. News that weren't new to Izuku, Ochaco, Yaoyorozu and Jiro.

"The Sports Festival is soon. I want you all to give your best as the festival is broadcast live on TV. While the first year part isn't the focus of many people, it is relevant that your offers for the internships that happen soon after are based on your performance.", explained Aizawa-Sensei. "Before the internships start, you have to pick your hero names. I tell you now because I want that none of you picks a stupid name because of time pressure, especially since you will officially chose the name with Midnight of all people. Think about it thoroughly. The two weeks before will be more focused on training. For now, independent study time."

As soon as Aizawa vanished in his yellow sleeping back, the class split into their groups. Izuku joined Jiro and Yaoyorozu. Ochaco joined them as well.

"Hero names... My family used up so many name possibilities. Hereditary quirk and such.", said Yaoyorozu.

"Maybe go for something simple? I'll pick 'Headphone Jack'.", said Jiro. "I had chosen that name as soon as I decided to become a hero."

"Can we take names based on our civilian names?", asked Ochaco. "As I want to be a rescue hero, I do not want to appear distanced from the civilians."

"Unlessbyou mind giving up any privacy.", said Izuku. "Jiro, did you think of a title?"

"Title?",she asked.

"Yeah, like Midnight is not just Midnight, but 'The R-rated hero: Midnight' That title.", explained Izuku. "I would say, I'll pick 'The Orphan Hero'. After all, I want to be a symbol of hope for the orphans of Japan."

"Right! Maybe something related to sound?", proposed Jiro. "I guess you struggle with the hero name?"

"Yes...", admitted Izuku. "Well, we have time. I wonder how the internships..." Izuku stopped mid-sentence. He realized something.

"Izuku?", asked Momo. "Is something wrong?"

"I-I just realized something. Aizawa-sensei said our offers will be based on our performance at the festival... I'm prohibited to partake...", explained Izuku, "What if I don't get any offers?"

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