Afterthoughts + Teaser for the next projects

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I need to get better at writing endings, can we all agree on that? Any feedback? God, I need to get more efficient at editing.

Now the teasers. My next fic in general, and my next My Hero Academia fic.

My next My Hero Academia Fanfiction is actually based on my One Shot, matchingly named "Culture Shock". Our Broccoli boy visits Germany! My home!

Here's the cover for Culture Shock, a lil Sneak Peak:

And the description: After an argument between his parents, Izuku goes to Germany as part of an exchange programme.

Arriving in East Germany, he experiences a culture shock, living with his father and new viewpoints on heroics and the Japanese system.

But even in Germany, Tomura is still a pain in the ass.


The next fic I will post is a Rise of the Guardian Fanfiction. It will be posted in December to celebrate Christmas. Which is a tradition of mine. One ROTG fic posted around Christmas, well, posted over the December. The short subscription, I'll probably change it to something longer that says more:

Everything is scarier when it is silent. He wants to be loud, he really does. But he is the Silence of Winter.

Ciao for now,

Ash Maker - Pulvis et Umbra Sumus//My Hero Academia FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now