Chapter 9: Gran Torino

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Gran Torino and Izuku were back and sorting in the groceries. While packing out, Gran saw the dye. But again he didn't ask. The color, it wasn't odd, it was so normal, that was confusing. It was green like his eyes. He thought this green was the boys normal hair color, many people have matching eye and hair colors. He then had an idea, maybe his quirk influenced his hair? An old friend of Gran Torino had a quirk that made his hair switch color at random. He was annoyed, so he dyed it solid black. Maybe the child has a similar problem.

"Child, what was your quirk again? Toshinori told me, but I think I forget.", asked the old hero.

"My quirk is called Decay. I can decay any object I touch and I can create small matter balls that decay everything they touch.", explained Izuku, "The matter balls are weak and need to leech off other objects kinetic energy to move and I need to touch stuff with all five fingers to decay. Hence the gloves."

"Any other effects?", asked Gran Torino.

"Dry flaky skin.", replied Izuku, "And an itch. But I got ways to deal with that."

"Like hairdye?"

"What?", asked Izuku now.

"Nothing.", said the old hero, "Let's eat. And don't you dare to say it is too early!"

"I won't!", replied Izuku. "This is actually a common time to eat in the orphanage as well."

Gran Torinowas surprised, Toshinori didn't tell him the boy was an orphan.bAlbeit he didn't mention the kid uses hair dye either.

While they were eating, Gran Torino asked how he met All Might.

"Simple. I got attacked by a villain, All Might tried to rescue me. Albeit, I kinda used my quirk on the villain. That was in my last year ofbmiddle school. I wanted to ask if someone with my quirk can be a hero, but he had a time limit.", explained Izuku. Gran Torino was listening. "I accidentally clung onto him when he started off. He noted me on a roof and I asked my question. He demanded I show him how I use my quirk. After that, he left."

"What did he answer?"

"He said I can be a hero if I put the work in. He asked me where I lived afterwards.", explained Izuku. "The villain that attacked me, hebfled. It then attacked my bully of all people. He was surrounded by heroes, but no one did shit-Sorry for my language."

"It is okay, Toshinori wasn't much better your age.", replied Gran Torino.

"Well, I decided to do something. I freed Bakugou and All Might saw this. But after that, I left instantly as I was running late. I managed to see All Might... deflating?" He was unsure what to describe the heroes other form. "The next Saturday, while I was shopping for hair dye, I just walked into him. He was in his skinny form, I somewhat recognized him and, uh, muttered a few theories. Which is something I sometimes do and don't really notice."

"Did you get your theories right?"

"Yes. All Might then told me about his quirk. He wanted to give it to me. He said because I helped my bully, I would be a good successor."

"And you declined?"

"Yes. Albeit, for a somewhat stupid reason. I wanted to be a hero with my own message, not an second All Might.", said Izuku. "In case that I change my mind, he offered me to train me a bit. Well, and I should keep my eyes open for any potential candidates."

"Did you find anyone?", asked gran Torino. "You see, his old side kick, Sir Nighteye tries to convince All Might to choose a certain boy..."

"Well, my class mate Ashido Mina has the right mind set... but Sato or Kirishima seem to be better at handling the quirk.", said Izuku. "It is easier to say who is a bad option."

"That's what I think of the Togata boy.", mumbled Gran Torino.

"You seem to not like him?"

"Oh, I think he is a good kid, just not right for One for All.", corrected him Gran Torino. "But he would be a good choice if Toshinori really can't find someone... Maybe I'm just annoyed by Sir Nighteye's demanding behavior."

After that, they had been silent. Izuku was confused. He expected the old man to be more rough with him. Not so... friendly? Not so calm. He expected an easy to piss off angry oldie who dislikes the youth. All Might is afraid of that man, he doesn't see why. Well, maybe he mellowed out with age. Or Izuku just hadn't seen why All Might is afraid. They hadn't trained yet.

But he is happy that Gran Torino hadn't mocked him for being an orphan. Yet. So far, the old hero reminds him of Mr Hamato in some ways. But even that boils down to 'Old man who doesn't reject him for his quirk and orphan status'. Good enough for him.


Turns out training with Gran Torino is tough, rough and no piece of cake. Izuku loves it. Gran Torino pushes him to his limit. And gives a nice challenge, he has to beat the old man without relying on his quirk. Albeit, Gran Torino is bothered by this.

"Midoriya! Why aren't you using your quirk?", he asked while sparring.

"My quirk is Decay. It would kill you.", explained Izuku. "In this training hall is nothing I could decay to get an advantage." Plus, dodging the man's jets of air was difficult enough. "Not to mention, your jets can push me away from anything I could touch."

"Correct.", admitted Gran Torino. "Now, we need to pick something up. But that is in a different prefecture. Did you ever travel by a bullet train?"

"No?",vsaid Izuku. "Well, I once did with my mother, but I barely remember that."

"Right, you're an orphan.", he said. "Why did you become an orphan, ifbyou don't mind me asking."

"Like Ibsaid, my quirk would kill you.", explained Izuku. "She started to see me as a villain, so she gave me away. Never signed the release. If this means something?"

"Don'tbthink she'll take you back.", said Gran Torino. "Hardly anybparents sign these to look good in front of society, to appear lesserrtrashy. It means nothing. Well, it means she may get approached about one of UA's policies."

"Policies?", asked Izuku, "What policy?"

"When Toshinori was in UA, there was a policy that orphans in the hero course become wards of UA, for protection.", explained Gran Torino. "I'm not sure if this still exists... but I see no reason why they would get rid of it."

"Does that mean that there are enough orphans in the UA hero course to prompt the existence of such a policy?", muttered Izuku.

"What? Did you think UA has a no-orphan rule like Seijin?"

"Well... not an official one..."

"Kid, first piece of advice, stop making being an orphan your whole identity.", he said. "If you do that, you'll be more free in thinking. Now let's go."


Iida and Native were scanning the city of Hosu for the infamous hero killer, but they found nothing. But they were found by a black thing, brain visible. While Native had no idea what it is, Iida knew pretty well what it is.

"A Nomou! What is it doing here?!", yelled Iida. Native had no idea what a Nomou is, but from Iida's reaction he knew it is bad news. And something they need to fight. But before they could attack it, it ran away. Native said it is a cowardly thing.

"I doubt it is afraid of you two."

Looking around, they saw none other than Stain. His katana's dripping red already. 

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