Chapter 15: High on Pain Killers

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All for One appeared besides Tomura, who is frustrated that his brother managed to leave. He could sense All Might.

"Tomura, I understand your frustration regarding your brother, but I need you to leave. Now.", demanded All for One, "Go with Kurogiri and prepare. Which includes whatever you want to do regarding Izuku."

"I want him to join!", said Tomura.

"Then leave and plan how.", said All for One, "He is desperate for family if his dyed hair is anything to go by, use that to your advantage. Kurogiri, return to me when you dropped Tomura off."

"Of course, sir.", agreed Kurogiri, before leaving though a portal with Tomura.

"Showtime, All Might.", said All for One, more to himself than anyone else.


All Might saw All for One just walk to him, radiating arrogance like any villain would, but also a presence like only the king of the Underworld could. If All Might gets out of this, he has to teach the classes about the presence of heroes and villains.

Despite being supposed to leave, Izuku, Bakugou and Hitoshi watched All Might and All for One throwing hands. The villain taking the expression literally, swinging a massive inhuman arm at All Might. They could see the two titans of Japan talking. Something said by All for One made All Might freeze in fear.

All Might couldn't believe his ears, "What did you say?"

"Tomura is Shimura Tenko, Nana's grandson.", repeated All for One, "So is Izuku, if you dimwit made that connection."

All Might knew his thinking hesitation could give All for One an opening, but he was too distracted. Not only did he left a grandson of his mentor to be corrupted, he met the other one and didn't notice. This at least explains the feeling he had about Izuku.

Before he registered All for One attacking, said villain yelled.

His arm was decaying. Then he saw it, Izuku punched his arm away from All Might apparently using One for All, mixed with his version of Decay. All Might wanted to scold the child, not necessarily because he was supposed to leave, albeit that too, but because he used the quirk he just got. His arm was broken accordingly. All Might grabbed Izuku and brought him away. He felt Izuku fainting, probably due to the arm.

"I can't let All for One get his hands on your other grandson, Nana.", he said mainly to himself. Looking around, he saw All for One leaving though a portal with Kurogiri.


They were in the medical area of UA, waiting for Izuku to wake up. Aizawa once again wanted to rip his student a new one, because he repeatedly disregarded commands to do nothing. All Might was more angry Izuku used a quirk without any preparation.

"Why did you even gave Midoriya the quirk without any preparation?", asked Aizawa,

All Might sighed, "If I didn't, the quirk would have been gone." He sighed again, "I know you are angry at young Midoriya, instead of punishing him, I will take responsibility for him."

"Fine! In away, you giving this quirk to him was enabling the problem child.", agreed Aizawa, "But! Oh, I don't know how to punish him, you and Nezu will protect him anyway." Aizawa looked to Izuku. "Who is telling him that Inko signed the release?"

"I... not me.", said All Might, "I will probably scold him for using One for All, than thank him for using it."

"I seriously consider leaving the punishing to you.", muttered Aizawa Shota. "On the other hand... Fuck it, I tell the problem child."

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