Chapter 12: Shopping for another pair of red shoes

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Both were ready, standing in front of their teacher. One more confident in their plan than the other. Hitoshi does not think Izuku is weak, the opposite, really. He just doesn't know how they could get the cuffs on their teacher. The problem isn't even the quirk deactivation. The capture gear is. Hitoshi had started to learn how it is used, so he knows it is a pain in the ass to avoid.

When they got their go, the two heroes in training charged to their teacher. Like expected, Aizawa grabbed onto Izuku and deactivated his quirk. Izuku was stuck in the gear. Hitoshi remembered the plan, if you can call it a plan. While Izuku was struggling with the gear, Hitoshi came from behind and asked, "Aizawa-sensei! Did you threaten Mrs Midoriya to sign the release?"

"Of course not!", replied Aizawa before his mind had gone numb. While the man was prepared for Hitoshi's quirk, he was not prepared for such aquestion.

"This is too easy.", he said. "Sensei, blink."

Aizawa awoke from the trance and Izuku could use his quirk again. He grabbed onto the gear, it decayed. Aizawa was jumped when he noticed. Hitoshi used the opportunity to cuff the man.

"Really easy.", said Izuku, "I didn't even need to throw ashes into his eyes."

"Thank god not.", muttered Aizawa.


After the class learned who passed and who didn't, they started to prepare for the camp they will visit to better their skills. The class, partly as a bonding activity, was shopping. But Izuku and Hitoshi were mainly keeping to themselves. Izuku can hear Tanjiro already asking how the date was. And he already can see how he hits Tanjiro with a pillow like last time. Maybe he can convince Nezuko to join?

Anyway, it happened that Izuku and Hitoshi were sitting alone, when Hitoshi had to leave for a bit. While Izuku was waiting, none other than Shigaraki Tomura was taking the seat in front of him.

"Hello, baby brother!", said Shigaraki, way too cheerful for Izuku's liking.

"Just because the old man says we're brothers doesn't mean shit.", replied Izuku. "I know this is probably just a lie to manipulate me."

"Oh, it is the truth, Izuku. Just because you dislike something doesn't mean it is false.", said the villain. "You may not like it, but we are alike."

"We. Are. Not."

"We have the same quirk.", said Shigaraki.

"The same? Can you control what you decay, can you stop it?", asked Izuku. "Can you bound a bit of it onto objects and sling it away? Our quirks are not the exact same, even if you don't like it."

"Stop using my logic against me.", said Shigaraki. "A shame you still dye your hair. But at least you have a good taste in shoes."

"Whatever Shigaraki.", said Izuku, "What do you want?"

"First of all, call me Tomura. Secondly, the offer still stands.", said Tomura. "And I have a question. When you spoke to Stain, who was that bully?"

"Why do you ask that?", asked Izuku.

"As your older brother, it is my job to take care of you.", repliedTomura. "Especially if you still do so many wrong decisions." Izuku just sighed. "Albeit, Sensei gave me a few pointers."

"What you mean?", asked Izuku worried.

"Oh, just what school you attended. Aldera Middle school.", said Tomura, "Broke in, checked documents. You and Bakugou Katsuki had a few confrontations, eh? Judging from what we saw of your class, that bickering still exists."

"And?", asked Izuku, "What now? Bakugou bullied me, and? He stopped, long time ago."


Izuku sighed again, "Don't you think threatening him will make me loyal to you. If anything, it is the opposite."

Ash Maker - Pulvis et Umbra Sumus//My Hero Academia Fanfictionजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें