Chapter 14: At Kamino Ward

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Bakugou Katsuki's head felt heavy when he woke up in pure dark. The last thing he remembers was fighting a short villain and that shape shifting bitch. Then dark, and now he is here.


"Bakugou? Is that you?", asked a voice.

"Yes, who asks?"

"Shinsou Hitoshi."

"Oh, the mind fuck.", muttered Bakugou.

"You do realize I don't see this as an insult?", said Shinsou.

"Whatever, did they get anyone else?", asked Bakugou.

"Ragdoll and Izuku, at least I am only aware of these two.", replied Shinsou. "I have an idea what they want from Izuku, but why us and Ragdoll?" Unless... "Izuku... told me about a villain that can take quirks. Or they make us villains."

"It is a bit different than that, boys.", spoke Kurogiri. "What you described is more of a plan b." Kurogiri activated a light and Shigaraki Tomura came in. "Albeit, our boss did take Ragdoll's quirk."

"Don't tell them our plan!", complained Shigaraki.

"But they would know anyway. Either when they work for us willingly or are Nomus.", replied Kurogiri way too gleefully for Shinsou's liking, "Or if the Boss decides to take their quirks."

"The hell your talking about?!", yelled Bakugou.

"They want you two to join the League, guys.", said Izuku, stepping into their view from being Shigaraki. He was cuffed.

"My brother is right. Both of you would be excellent villains.", said Shigaraki. "Shinsou, you were called a villain a lot, Bakugou, you act like one."

"I don't act like you psychopaths!", yelled Bakugou, cracking a few explosions.

"My brother told me otherwise.", spoke Shigaraki. "Told me you told a few quirkless to take a swan dive off a roof, Explosion Murder King."

"I-Izuku, did you join them?", asked Shinsou.

"Hitoshi, no! I would never!", said Izuku. "Even if the crusty handjob won't believe it."

Tomura slapped his head, and took a deep breath. "You'll change your mind, little brother.", he said. "You will change your mind and run to me and the League."

"What makes you think that?!", asked Izuku angrily. "I would never join your league!"

"Maybe, but you would ally with me, Izu.", said Shigaraki. He then brushed his hand though Izuku's hair. "You still dye your hair green like your mothers, a clear sign you yearn for a family."

"And? That family isn't you any time soon.", said Izuku. The siblings, considering Izuku didn't argue that part, were bickering.

Shinsou said while watching, "I think I marry Izuku one day..."

"You sure you want a villain as your brother-in-law, Mindfuck?", replied Bakugou. "Fucking weirdo."


Aizawa and All Might were on a break from the media and the planning of the rescue. Loosing three students and a professional hero to the League gave UA the shit storm of the century. The public only calmed down after they promised to rescue them and to build dormitories.

On the topic of dormitories, Aizawa decided to visit Midoriya Inko again. A visit long overdue. All Might heard from this plan and decided to tag along. Aizawa didn't complain. He doesn't like to pressure them into signing, Aizawa does not call these people parents, but with the problem child, he got a feeling it is necessary.

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