Chapter 10: Red Shoes

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The bullet train was fast, like a bullet. Not creative of a name, isn't it? The journey was relaxed, despite the stating, until they passed though Hosu. They were starred at because they were in their hero suits. Not that Izuku's suit looked like much, like Kaminari's and Jiro's, his suit looked pretty casual. Izuku mentioned that some of his classmates should be in Hosu for their internships. Before Gran Torino could answer, the train crashed into something.

The train was demolished and the doors weren't working. Gran Torino yelled, "Ashen!I give you the authorization to use your quirk!"

"Yes, Gran Torino!", replied Izuku, realizing why he was given authorization.

The surrounding civilians got hyped when they realized that a Hero and a Hero in training were in the train. While Gran Torino calmed the civilians in the train, Izuku decayed the doors and walls to free them. When he was out, he spotted a small Nomou. Unlike the one at the Unforeseen Simulation Joint, that one was thin and bony. It attacked Izuku upon seeing it.

Izuku took off his gloves and dodged the Nomou's claws with a roll. The Nomou turned around and attacked Izuku. He ran away, to bait it away from the train and civilians. When it was far enough, he ran up a wall and jumped off of it, making a back flip and landing on the Nomou, decaying it. He returned to the train and Gran Torino.

He continued with the other wagons, to open them up. When done, he and Gran Torino checked what caused it. They saw other heroes chasing Nomou's. Including Endeavor.

"Fucking Nomou's in Hosu?", muttered Izuku.

Gran Torino, while he never faced one, got told about them by Toshinori and Izuku. He has no idea what they are, if these things are born like this or were created somehow. Moving though Hosu, keeping up with Gran Torino is pretty difficult, they ran into Todoroki, who was interning with his father. Izuku wanted to mock him for using his nepotism, but the fact that there were multiple Nomou's out made him realize this is the wrong moment to mock his climate.

Luckily Todoroki explained to his father what a Nomou is, as well as he could. Gran Torino and Izuku joined the Todoroki's. Gran Torino's quirk was handy to jump into the air and get a bird's eye view of the situation. The old man managed to spot not a Nomou, but Stain cornering a downed hero and someone else.

Endeavor decided they have to face the killer, the other heroes could handle the Nomou's. They followed the direction Gran Torino gave them, before finding Stain. Todoroki Shoto and Izuku were shocked to see that their class mate facing the infamous killer. They were behind Stain, who didn't see them, but Iida did.

Izuku took a metal marble from his pouches on his suit. He leeched a bit of what he dubbed 'Decay essence' onto it, and snipped it to the killer. It hit Stain on the left shoulder, making him drop a Katana of his. Stain was surprised by the small marble and turned around.

"More fakes.", mumbled Stain. Before he could attack, Endeavor send a flame into his direction. Stain dodged it and jumped off a wall. Gran Torino pushed him away with a jet of air. Endeavor then asked the old hero for why Izuku used his quirk.

"I gave him authorization.", explained Gran Torino.

"Right.", replied Endeavor. "Shoto, I give you authorization as well."

Izuku fetched the katana and saw to Iida. He saw the hero behind him, a very injured Native. Iida didn't give him any mind, instead he kept his eyes on Stain, who was smacked against a wall. Stain stood up, seeing the Katana in Izuku's hand turn to dust. With his remaining blade, he attacked Izuku, who, on Gran Torino's and Endeavor's commando, started to run away form the villain. The heroes chased after them. Gran Torino stayed back, getting help for Native.

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