⚠️tw⚠️ mental health issue's such as sh, depression, Ed and suicide...
y/n garcia penelope's sister has been with the bau for 1 year. she's a very private person but now, her mental health caves in after another lose in her life.
everyone will see h...
While shopping I made sure everything had long sleeves. Even now the dress I'm wearing has long sleeves and is a long enough length to cover the cuts on my thighs.
Everyone looked gorgeous, but I couldn't take my eyes of of emily. Not even now while she was putting on some makeup. Only she couldn't take her eyes of of jj.
"Hey y/n, you oke?" P asked. "Ye I'm fine"
"You look great btw, love the cleavage " I said to her. "Hey can I ask something personal?" She asked. I nodded "You've stopped self harming right? What was the last time?" I looked her dead in the eye, I couldn't tell her I had just cut myself before I left to go shopping with them.
"Ye eem I haven't done it since the day before the drowning" I quickly lied "So your 5 days clean. O pumpkin I'm so proud of you" she hugged me
And I felt so quilty for lying to her. "We are all very proud of you" Tara added. The rest of the girls hugged me aswell
I don't deserve this
Everyone got ready. They went in 1 car. And I hoped back on my motorcycle.
I drove of to the club. And all the guys were Standing there looking at me. In my blue dress in heels on a motorcycle. I had put all of my other clothes in p's car.
I step of the bike. "Damn girl, you look bad ass" Derek said. Savannah hit his arm The corners of my mouth went up, but I tried to hide it.
"Don't worry he only does that to girls with the last name garcia" "Hi I'm y/n, nice to meet you" I shake Savannah's hand and she introduces herself.
The girls arrive just a second later. Everyone shakes savannahs hand and introduces themselves
"Hey y/n can I actually take a picture on your motorcycle " em asked.
"As long as you don't use it to get laid it's fine" I could hear hotch and rossi sigh but this only made it funnier .
Emily crawled on my motorcycle
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Imagine her on this one
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"Aww you look so small and cute" I joke. Emily and I are actually around the same hight so.
P took a pic of her and we got inside.
I didn't drink anything alcholic the whole night. I didnr want to get wasted like last time, and well I still had to drive home.
I was just having a fun conversation with jj and Spencer. When I noticed a formilior face.
I walked up to the bar and said
" fancy seeing you here again" It was kai, the drummer girl I've been texting with. Ig you could call us friends.
"Y/n! Your going to sing again?" She asked "Ooo no, im not doing that tonight. I'm not even drinking so" "O right bc of the anxiety meds?" I've kinda been very open with her, the team didn't care the ask me about therapy so they don't even know about the medication.
We continued talking when a guy walked over.
"What are you 2 pretty ladies doing here all alone" he said as he placed his hand on mine and kai's hips.
"First we are not alone. Second get your dirty little hands of our hips" I took his hands of my hip and kai did the same.
"What are you going to do huh?" Hotch looked over at us but responded to the guy only.
I stood up infront of him. I lift up my dress a little revealing my gun strapped to my thigh right above my knee.
"I think I might have an idea"
But the guy didn't look scared, it looked like it actually turned him on. I could see kai getting worried as he walked closer to me. I tried to stand my ground. Kai walked away I couldn't see to were as there were only a few inches in-between that guy and i.
"Oo so feisty" he rapped his arms around me. And squeezed my butt.
I kicked my knee into his balls. Pushed him backwards and gave him a hard hit in the face.
Hotch walked up immediately, and pinned the guy against the counter.
"The lady you just sexually assaulted, is an fbi agent. And so am I. I could arrest you now, or you can leave"
Kai came up to me and snuggled against me. Hotch let go of the guy, and I noticed the damage I had done to his face. He couldn't open his eye and his nose was bleeding
Yea I definitely broke that
He walked passed me saying. "You crazy fat bitch" "What was that" Derek barked back.
I look kai in the eyes and asked if she was oke. "Ye thanks to you" she said appreciative
"What about you y/n, are you oke" hotch asked me while placing his hand on my shoulder. "Yea im fine, but I think I should probably go home"
"Nice punch tho" Derek added. But I just ignored that. "It was nice to meet you savannah. Sorry it had to end this way"
"Hey y/n don't worry about. It wasn't your fault, besides I'm sure we can do a girls night or something when we get to know eachOther more" I kindly smile at her while still feeling ashamed
I pick up my helmet and slowly walk towards the door. "Thanks Aaron for-" "No need" he added
I walked out with kai as she wanted to leave aswell. "Are you sure you want to go home alone?" I ask her
"Ye my car is right over here. I'll manage" "Wel oke then, pls text to when you get home safe" I asked when I got on my motorcycle.
I drove off to my apartment. Immediately changed my clothes and crawled into bed. I got a text from kai saying she oke, so I did the same.
I felt so disgusted with his hands on me. I can still feel it. Eventually I fell asleep from exhaustion.